Obsolete "Stuff"

AD2011AD2011 Acolyte
edited January 2011 in Spurious Generalities
Man I hate things that become obsolete. I hate that things laying around my place that I won't throw out because I know how much they cost and how hard I had to work/sacrifice to obtain them, serve as nothing more as a constant reminder of the money I once had to spend on such unnecessary things.

Sure at one time they were great but now I manage without them, at one time I felt the need to own them.

I have over 100 1.44" Floppy Disks, complete with storage box, VHS tapes that I can't even give away, CD's in their 'jewel' cases...which leads me to the next problem this 'stuff' creates. You can't DO anything with the base components of these things...it's all crap plastic, it's worthless.

The next thing will be DVD's...and didn't they just take off in the late 90's and 00's, they're destined for this same fate.


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