What are everyones thoughts on the illegal Immigration problem? My Idea for stopping them is this. Make life here uncomfortable for them. For example don'tallow them medical treatment. If one gets injured they should be turned away from hospitals. Foreigners should be forced to always carry papers proving citizenship and if they don't have these papers turn them away for medical treatment and police protection.
Do not allow them to have drivers licenses. Do not allow them to work or receive any government benefits. Do not allow them to protest or take part in voting. Do not allow them education or citizenship to the children of illegals. Essentially make a law saying that the constitution and it's rights only apply to citizens.
Before they are deported they should be made to build a wall on the border. Provide them shelter and food while they construct a wall on the border and once it is completed send them back to their country. This would be a cheap way of getting it built. None of this could pass unless a law is passed declaring that the constitution applies to citizens only.
Actually the amount of beaners here is increasing an assload. Most of them are illegal. They've taken most low level jobs here which I try to get since I'm a drop out. Every fast food place hires beaners only so they fuck up my orders all the time since they don't speak English. Almost all manual labor jobs here are done by beaners who fuck everything up. And none of them bother to learn proper fucking english. Fuck Mexicans.
Watch that video.
But they also were housed in a jail, so that is :thumbsup:
I forgot how this story ended.
I'm mad because I am an American citizen and can't find a job because some spics who don't belong here got hired and get hired just so the corporations can save money by paying below minimum wage under the table.
I'm mad because Americans are getting murdered every day buy criminals who aren't even citizens. I'm tired of these wetbacks collecting welfare and not paying taxes.
Did you watch the video I posted? You dropped out of school and therefore failed, don't bitch about how you cannot get a mediocre minimum wage job, lol.
QFMFT like I said you had every possible chance to succeed you were the one who dropped out. so again... quit being a baby.
you're using an ad homonym agrument... He has every right to complain about illegal immargrants. Telling him that becuase he had the opperutnity to succeed does nothing to refute his argument about illegals.
I would suggest that you attack his argument with a cohesive attack at the central points of his agrument and not at the situation of his life or choices.
Did you drop out of school, too?
Anyway, at the local level, illegal immigrants are a severe financial drain. The sales tax at the local Mexican grocery store pales in comparison to the educational, medical, and law enforcement expenses that illegal immigrants generate.
I've never liked the idea of americans looking upon illegals as "pests", and worst still when someone like DirtySanchez complains about it because some poor uneducated fuck apparently took a job in which Sanchez himself proved to be much more incompetent in. I don't think he even has the right to start complaining about how other people are taking away his job when his own personal life is pretty much a failure to begin with.
His ideas are also pretty fucking stupid. For example, while a lot of people may be ignorant, making mexicans build a fucking wall in their border, besides being de facto slavery is a dumb, dumb idea. Why? You'd think the people would simply go "yeah, we'll build ourselves a wall". Go ahead and make them dig their own grave while you're at it...
Immigration will never stop. You're just gonna have to deal with it.
As a side note Mexicans aren't the only ones crossing the border. There's also all sorts of people from central and even south america in the mix as well.
That's just one county, illegals are literally bankrupting the state of California.
Mexico to build fence along southern border to keep out illegals :facepalm: ^
I am not a drop out and I side with DS on this issue. It is not as simple you have tried to portray with you post and I am sure you know that. Just the cost to house illegal immigrants who have broken other laws alone is a missive drain on our already strained economy. And that is only one of the hundreds of negative consequences created by the 10's of millions who are here unlawfully. The fact that they will do the shit jobs for below minimum wage brings down the wages of jobs above that entry level. It is a rippling effect when people at the bottom will take less.
I could go on but I have a Dr.'s appointment soon. So if you want to present a well thought out statement to support why you think illegal immigration is not a bad thing in the U.S. I would be happy to read it and respond later today.
About the Mexicans building a wall in Guatemala, pffft, that's been in discussion for years and by the looks of it it'll never happen. There's pretty much no surveillance in that southern border and I do tend to agree that it's pretty hypocritical to criticize american border policies that way.
You wouldn't believe how easy it is to cross the border though. I've literally seen people making a run for their lives from under the fence towards america less than 100 feet away from the border crossing station, right under the cop's noses, more than once.
About the popping kids, well shit man, I never thought Americans didn't have children of their own as well :rolleyes:
The reason they can outsource these jobs is simple, NAFTA. Were it to be repealed and competitive tariffs and duties levied the market would self correct this problem.
Stop being a pussy and join the Army, states Rolf.
I plan to once I get my GED.
The economic heartland of America would have shifted and this could not be allowed to happen.
You guys have possibly the only land border in the world between the developed world and the 3rd world. Do not get pissy about me calling Mexico the 3rd world. Some of it is nice, sure, but I bet so is some of Iraq.
American presidents of recent times, while having to be seen to limit immigration, have more than kept up the immigration numbers with illegals becoming legals. They need this – the economic power base in the USA is a very fragile thing, and when any group at the lower end is on the ladder and moving some where, the bank reclaims the house and cheaper labour does you out of a job.
It is America, and it is the way of it and this is the way it politicians throw around the lives of the population.
The American system is greedy for immigrants, it needs them. It devours them. The machine runs on them.
About the 3rd world country... well, I agree, but you'd be surprised at the amount of rich people there is. Thing is, the difference between the rich and the poor is so vast it's fucking shameful, but that's a whole other topic.
As for Sanchez, well, either try finishing school or something in order to be able to get a job.
@DarkRodent, yeah, NAFTA never crossed my mind. Apparently it fucked a lot of farmers over and is basically making the richer richer and the poorer poorer. I had totally forgotten why most of Mexico still hates Carlos Salinas.
im all for this and im actually a beaner my self
You might want to hurry up then. The military is raising it's standards for enlisting. Soon they will be turning away people with GEDs (if they aren't already).
I agree with this. If they here to work then what's the problem most jobs they "take" are ones most Americans would refuse.
The issue is how they take from the economy and put nothing back in.
If you can get that up some how, for the time being, and I'll do my best to find the copy of the page that I saved. The article deals with the topic of illegal immigration dropping and the number of immigrants returning home. By no means is it a politically correct blogspot, it has a lot of interesting articles on other issues, but it also uses a lot of statistics.
Anyway, illegal immigrants, by definition have broken the law to get here and the law should be applied to remove them; kick them out of the country. Countries do it now, but they only send a few of them away, to make it look like they're doing something about the problem. What's the point of a law that you're only going to apply 1 time in 60. When they try to be sneaky and destroy all traces of their identification, they forget about one thing (unfortunately- I say that because it'd mean them having to kill/destroy themselves) their DNA, which can pinpoint where someone comes from. Sending them back will be easy. The argument that even legal immigrants, let alone illegals, will do the jobs that the Brits won't do is piss poor and gladly, less people buy into it. They'll do the jobs that the British people can't afford to do because the pay is so low.
Taken as a whole, what immigrants, legal and illegal add to production is counterproductive due to their addition to the population. The only major inquiry ever conducted in the UK was carried out by the Economic Affairs Committee of the House of Lords in 2007/08. In April 2008 they reported that "We have found no evidence for the argument, made by the government, business and many others, that net immigration - immigration minus emigration - generates significant economic benefits for the existing UK population." As regards the contribution of migrants to the Exchequer, they concluded that "The overall fiscal impact of immigration is likely to be small, though this masks significant variations across different immigrant groups." See http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200708/ldselect/ldeconaf/82/8202.htm
Official figures show that migrants contribute only 62p a head per week which means the uk is making a 11m loss a day to the economy. The door needs to be shut completely. Overpopulation is a big problem.
For example, as has been stated, one of the arguments against illegal immigration is "they took our jobs!". As in, they agreed to work for less, and so businesses found the value-for-money much better (even if they speak bad english, or have poor skills), and so preferred to hire them.
But you see, the problem here is not immigrants, it's the minimum wage laws. Moral behaviour - offering your services for less money so that both you and the business (and the consumer) can benefit - is made illegal. Illegal immigrants are given the advantage over law-abiding citizens. And forcing people to break the law undermines morality, which leads to more crime.