After 14 years of development hell, the perpetually delayed shooter Duke Nukem Forever is finished and off to the manufacturing plant, developer Gearbox Software and publisher 2K Games said Tuesday.
Barring any catastrophes or a world-ending rapture, Duke Nukem will make his long-awaited return June 14 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. A demo will be made available June 3, but only for customers who preorder the game, which marks the return of the profanely funny tough guy character after more than a decade in limbo.
First announced in 1997, Duke Nukem Forever became the videogame industry’s longest-running joke, a boondoggle of a project that encountered endless delays and won yearly Vaporware Awards from Although the project seemed dead for good when creator 3D Realms laid off the bulk of its staff in 2009, Gearbox soon took over and announced it would release the game in 2011.
Though it was a shock to nobody when Gearbox and 2K delayed Duke Nukem Forever again this March, the once-king of all vaporware would now appear to be on the verge of relinquishing his crown. (Should this happen, we nominate Final Fantasy Versus XIII, announced five years ago at E3 2006 and still not available, as the successor to the throne — unless you can think of a game with a longer development cycle. Remember, L.A. Noire finally came out.)
Rest assured that this isn’t some big practical joke. We’ve played Duke Nukem Forever. The game actually exists. And barring 2K Games breaking into the manufacturing plant and destroying all the discs, it’s really going to come out.
they kept it close to 3d
YouTube - Duke Nukem 3D Episode 1 Level 1
It can't be that bad
You may face some issues trying to run it.
I'm afraid it is
On the final octaking battle and had to drop it down from normal to easy...and still can't beat it...HUGE difficulty spike!
Crap graphics, awful gameplay...and only Duke nostalgia keeping me going so far. If I can't get through this next bit after dropping it down to easy, I'm gonna trade it back in tmrw. BIG let down
Oh well
From what I've heard, it is pretty garbage. They are relying on gimmicks to hide awful game play.
Sad, but honestly. The Duke games I owned, were the first few side scrollers on DOS.
AAA Titles are just getting to greedy. I was getting my panties all wet of BF3, but it seems like they are diviying up DLC content for multiple retailers. DICE, is a great studio, EA however, is a greedy awful, selfish publisher.
People with their silly minds have ruined this game. I still love it though.
I heard that they will honour all preorders no matter what time you put it in
could be pretty lulzy if you rocked up with an old receipt
It's Duke alright, but it plays nothing like DN3D. Lame jokes that where funny a decade ago are plentiful, as is the virtual booty (no shit, chicks all over this game).