Arkansan · Regular


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  • I have been told from several people in the past that prices in Canada can get pretty ridiculous but $28 for cabbage and $65 for chicken, Jesus.
  • Things aren't terribly expensive in my neck of the woods. Gas - $2.98 a gallon Bread - $1.98 a loaf Milk - $3.80 a gallon Can of Beans - .98 cents Can of Black-eyed Peas - .80 cents ( I can literally live on these) Nekot brand Peanut butter crackers - $2.50 for a box of 8 packages Package of 3 Chicken Breast - roughly…
  • My accent would be more of a Southern Arkansas accent, which is a slightly more pronounced accent, slower drawl and odd words like yonder as a generic measure of distance and warsh instead of wash. I get this more from my family which is from that region, I myself was raised in Little Rock for the most part so I don't…
  • ^ Those are one of my favorites, I fucking love vinegar.
  • I have done nothing productive today or any other day since my hospital stay. Plan on renting a season of the Big Bang Theory after I pick the wife up from work, that show is fucking hilarious. Spent about an hour or so reading The Evolution of God, excellent book.
  • Sun Chips are awesome. Cheetos are another favorite of mine. My grandpa makes a homemade chip out of sweet potatoes that is kick ass.
  • Anyone else like Kettle cooked chips? I love Kettle cooked with Sea Salt and Vinegar.
  • I can understand why this sort of thing could be annoying as hell, the stereotypical "Southern" accent you hear on television is bullshit. There are many regional variations, I would sound way different than someone from say Georgia or Virgina but would sound similar to someone from Tennessee or southern Missouri. Just out…
  • I take it that games like this aren't available in where you live? That sucks, however there are card games available online that you could print and then play.
  • Sounds like you may be suffering from bouts of sleep paralysis. I have these from time to time. They can manifest themselves in many different ways, often you aren't even aware that the body is technically asleep and sufferers often swear that they can move just fine, but auditory and visual hallucinations are very common…
  • Agreed fuck this movie. Just more pop culture hero worship of one history's great unsung despots. The sorry bastard suspended the writ of habeas corpus, sent troops to detain the Maryland state legislature to prevent a vote on secession, had troops occupy the Kentucky state legislature to once again prevent a vote, and…
  • So I was back at the Doctors office yesterday, noticed my eyes were looking a tad yellow so I went in to make sure it wasn't a reaction to a new med. They couldn't find anything wrong with me, clean chest x-ray and blood panels so the only thing they can think of is that I haven't been eating or drinking enough the past…
  • All of these methods sound like a lot of work. Old computers at my house become targets, we always have shit tons of ammo laying around so if I have one that needs disposed of I call my brothers and we have kickin good redneck time just shooting the damn things. I find my little Rossi .357 does a good job but my eldest…
  • I feel pretty good today, the meds I'm on suck but they keep shit normal so its worth it. The doctors havent nailed a cause down yet, but they do know its not because of any structrual problem with the heart, so thats good news. The speculation is that years of uncontrolled sleep apnea are the culprit. They docs said it is…
  • Glad to be back and thanks for the kind words. I'll be taking it easy here for a while so I should be posting more.
  • That was pretty funny. Not entirely related, but I have one of those lamps they have on the table, its pretty damned cool and its supposed to purify the air in your home somehow.
  • Good stuff, this reminds me of a conversation I had with a journalism teacher once, she basically said fuck anything you hear on the nightly news as cherry picking facts is almost an art form in modern journalism.
  • I saw this shit on the news visiting my Mom, she works at a mental health facility and said that stimulants of most any sorts could cause shit like that when combined with serious mental illness. Hell she said they have patients all the time that will bite the inside of their lip to pieces just so they can spit blood on…
  • I am really interested to see how things go in that region now that Kim Jong Ill is dead.
  • Welcome aboard man.
  • Damn, I sense some momma issues in here. Anyway, I see women for what they are, just another person, I won't pass judgement until I get to know their behavior patterns. I have met some women that are absolutely reprehensible people and some that are noble and good natured, same as men. I do agree that women can be more…
  • Welcome.
  • Admittedly I haven't read the entire thread, but, one thing I have always noticed when my friends and family marry people with prior children is that the other parent always becomes this giant third wheel in their relationship, they never manage to get away from the other person. Find someone who preferably has never been…
  • No shit my dad knew a black dude named Orangeicy they pronounced Orangacy. Sad but true.
  • I can agree with that Spinster. Religion has always had an authoritarian element to it, particularly if you look at the earliest civilizations where there was almost always a state cult used to justify the authority of the ruling element, the idea of divine right of leadership I would imagine had to have developed shortly…
  • Cool, that looks like a major time saver, thanks for the heads up. Downloading as we speak.
  • Hell yes! I love these old shooters, thanks for the info. I seem to remember there being some sort of mod for Duke Nukem 3d that would run it on newer machines but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. I have been playing through Daggerfall using DosBox here lately, I would imagine you could Doom 1 and 2 on…
  • Good advice MarineBoat, honestly the religion I was raised around I think has just burned me out, too I often I hear family members resort to the old stand by of "If you just pray harder" or in cases of disappointment "Well I guess it wasn't what I really needed anyway, God knows best." Or my favorite, you get lucky or…
  • Right on, good that you seem to have the law on your side. I can't imagine not being able to carry any sort of weapon, I always at least have my pocket knife, and when I get the scratch together to pay for my carry license I will carry everywhere legally allowed. I hope everything works out in your favor in the long run.
  • Damn man that shit sucks. That kind of thing is why I moved away from my home town and quite associating with dealers and career criminals, I got mixed up in some dumb bullshit, similar to whats happening to you, at one point and ended up getting shot at. Fun times to be sure. I really don't know what things are like in…
  • If you're looking to gain mass isolate individual muscles, try to work two exercises per muscle, keep a medium weight and work in the 8-10 rep range. If you're looking to gain strength I would worry less about what weight you are using in the beginning and stick to functional movements, compound movements with a medium…
  • Just be careful and make sure that whatever college you plan on transferring to accepts the credits you take at community college, I have had several friends that had to retake courses because not all credits they earned in cc were transferable.
  • Damn, some people have all the luck.
  • Never really thought his music was worth a shit, I never understood what the big deal is about.
  • I really hope they do something to restore the series, the original Medal of Honor on play-station was the first shooter I can remember really playing
  • Terribly sorry to hear about your loss, my condolences to you and yours.
  • It depends really, correctly used it is plural but it is not uncommon to hear it used in the singular. I hear it quite a bit in stores as well, my theory is that in that context it's just habit, I say that because when I worked retail I did the same thing, out of force of habit I said "Y'all have a nice day" whether it was…
  • That's the best definition of soccer mom I have ever heard lol. I have a question for our resident British folks, does it really rain constantly there? That is the one thing I have consistently heard about the UK. I will go ahead dispel some of the most common stereotypes I hear about Arkansas and the south in general, I…
  • Right on, interesting way of looking at it. I was simply curious because its not really a perspective on the whole thing that I have ever really had access to in the past. I agree with you that there were some good and bad points to both sides of the thing. I have always been interested in how people looked at the war due…
  • Congrats on the new place.
    in I'm Back Comment by Arkansan April 2012
  • First offense is usually nothing, particularly, if you're a minor and the offense isn't violent, glad it worked out for you. Never been charged with anything myself, got taken to the local PD by a school resource officer my junior year of high school for a fight but because I was found to be acting in defense of another…
  • I listened to this shit like four times today, also am I having de ja vu or did some one post this already because I have had a lot of that today.
  • You know its kinda funny because I will talk to damn near anyone and genuinely like good people, especially those with a story to tell, but I keep very few close friends and stick mostly with my family. On a day to day basis I see my wife more than anyone (naturally) and a cousin who was like a brother growing up. I have a…
  • That is some cool shit, I have always been fascinated by language development. (also 100th post ! woo!)
  • Like Darth said this shit is old news, whether its legal is moot at this point, just like over here with the CIA's warrant-less wire tapping program. They got caught and basically everyone shrugged and said oh well, if you want to get good and pissed off pick up this months issue of Wired magazine and read about the NSA's…
  • Social media has just become another tool for mass surveillance. Honestly I would lose my shit if they asked for my facebook password at an interview, its fucking unethical. However part of this is our fault people have gotten into this idiotic habit of posting everything they do on facebook and the like and adding anyone…
  • You should definitely check out the series Darth, I too am fascinated by anything Arthurian and so far this has been the most satisfying retelling of the stories I've ever come across. The first book in the series is called The Skystone, when my wife picked up for me I finished it in like three days, I couldn't put it…