I wanna go to Russia, but to the fuckin Boonies out East(?) Yall know, the fucking huge part on the map without any cities. I saw some shit on TV, Deadliest Journeys, where they went out there and it seemed awesome, cold, but awesome. Lots of humor, alcohol, and guns... FUCK YEAH! Oh, and bears... and civilians using…
this has potential. are you talking about basically finding ceiling studs and putting I-bolts in them and connecting such bolts? cuz if so.. that would open up the possibility of installing a rock climbing-type pullup bar/setup, which is preferable in all aspect 'cept showin' off at parties... yeah, in all aspects!
cant weld, do have fiends who can and who have access to welding equipment, why ask/tell me what I can do with that? Space - ...... dunno. Im at my parents house and wont be at the rental until saturday (they're in different states). I just had this pipedream of using my parents tools, while I had access to it, to…
the steel grade was shit, as in, got dull within a 1/2 day's use. All Im saying is, that in the US, we are taught to believe that machetes will protect us from evil (you know, zombies and shit) when in reality (as in, where they are practical and actually used) they are cheap-as-shit tools that need to be sharpened after…
Well. If I google "totse" Totse.info comes up, as you said, like 6th result, but when I click that it brings me to the old Totse homepage BUT if I click "bbs" it just freaks out and doesnt load the forums so... wtf mate
One time I was traveling with my family and another family, flying home. We landed in New York with a two hour layover to make a connecting flight to Boston, where we all resided at the time. Well, it was fucking New York and we only got off the airplane with about 20 minutes to make our mutual flight (i.e. 90 minutes…
&T. may not be Totse, but it has the same appearance (which is fucking critical, as it release nostalgia hormones) and a respectable amount of the same members. I went to Zoklet as a refugee and I... never heard about T2, so I have no qualms.
this is actually becoming an apparent issue. Response time is ridiculously long for most threads in most forums here. How can I, a humble Acolyte, help?
Ive been referring to &T. as the Grand Experiment, a term used to describe the good ol' United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave. Holding true to that analogy, if &T. is to Zoklet as US is to UK, then raiding them is sorta like the War of 1812, am I right? But seriously, Im down with this conspiracy,…
I got a public defender for my Drug Paraphernalia charge, he was chill as shit. He used to do similar cases privately, but the economy had forced him to take up Public Defending, so he claimed. He basically handled all my paperwork and got me into some diversion program, and for only $25!. Best part is, now I see him when…
Pabst Blue Ribbon, out of a bottle* Ive kinda come full circle with beer, though. While nice beers are indeed better, I think a prefer more average beers for their refreshing nature and session-ability. i.e. I drinks Budweiser, out of a bottle, fairly often. To defend myself, I also purchase and drink any 40oz malt liquor…
Ive done BJJ, Muay Thai, and TKD. Tai Kwon Do sucked hard, it was very boring and seemed useless. Muay Thai was pretty badass, but painful training and, I dunno, I decided to focus on BJJ instead. BJJ is all the rage these days and for good reason. It's extremely fun, a great form of exercise, and mildly useful for self…
Ive cut my hair for about 5 years now, but I basically buzz it, sorta High and Tight USMC haircut, but a little longer. I just Youtubed it for starters, followed by a fair amount of trial and error. Mirrors and/or a trustworthy helper are critical to success. I have a tiny bit of experience with scissors, but more out of…
Deadham/Son of Liberty Im a Geographer, so I know lots a random crap that most Westerns dont care about. I likes psychedelic drugs. Im into backpacking, both wilderness and travel. Im CPR certified. I think Im basically the man to go to if we plan on taking over a country again (Guatemala Ops or whatever that was/shameless…
Im a professional Geographer, that makes me even more qualified..... me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! im just being an ass though, I travel far too much to be a mod here
after making some mildly harsh comments about the formation of totse.info on Zoklet, I re-evaluated the situation. I did first come to Totse for the text files and only later did I realize there was a community. So basically, for me, Totse's legacy carries a lotta weight. Zoklet was/is a refugee camp. I didnt/still dont…