Yep, first post in a month. I do check the site almost every day, but none of the guides I'm (slowly) working on are finished, so I haven't had much to contribute posting wise. Hopefully that will change sometime soon.
Awesome story, reminds me of some of the fiction I used to write in high school. Sadly I have no real life memories that can compare to what you've extensively detailed in the above paragraphs. You are a skilled writer and should continue contributing stuff like this.
I went up to my hometown and visited friends last night and today, which will likely end up being the highlight of my holiday season. Capitalismas Day itself stopped being interesting around 3 years ago.
Unfortunately it looks like DKR went through with it. I wasn't expecting him to change his mind, but it's still painful to realize that such an interesting and intelligent veteran Totse member is forever gone. R.I.P. James.
In my experience, erythritol is only dehydrated by concentrated sulfuric acid at high temperatures; I've never encountered a problem when adding the sugar alcohol directly to slightly chilled mixed acids. Yields are typically 70-80% of theoretical, depending on the batch.
If I were driven to suicide, I don't think my creative mind would be functioning effectively, so I'd probably just kill a few of my enemies using a large knife and/or a shotgun, then walk into a police station and start a shootout.
Acetone is too strong of a solvent, but ethanol and methanol work well. I personally use methanol, as it's the cheapest @ ~$2/L. In a nutshell: Dissolve the crude ETN in heated methanol, add sodium bicarbonate solution to neutralize residual acids, crash into water, filter out the ETN, and optionally wash it with 5% urea…
Colleges are typically smaller and feature less extensive course programming. Some however offer many of the same first and second year classes as a University at significantly reduced tuition costs, so many people (Myself included) choose to complete the first year of their chosen degree at a college to save money. After…
This thread needs a bump. Filmed back in April. Stood too close and lost my hearing for a bit, even though I was wearing ear defenders. :eek:
New Totse banner = MFing WIN. 9/11 falls one day before my birthday, which means I get to celebrate 2 days in a row with my good friends ETN, EGDN, ANNMAl, and HMTD. Hell yeah.
Well fuck me. No more sealing my dismembered victims in garbage bags and dumping them into the Gulf Stream, I'm just going to soak them in hot KOH solution for a few hours and pour the liquified remains down a sewer. Excellent!
I was offering up the link for anyone who wanted to take a stab at trolling Zoklet in retaliation. Myself, I don't really care at all. Zoklet and 99.9% of its members are far too worthless to get bent out of shape over.
I agree with a lot of the opinions here; the internet has changed, and so has the nature of sites like Totse. Back in the 'information age' of the internet (Which really wasn't that long ago), Totse could thrive as an empire, because it precisely fit the model of what the internet was, and went above and beyond by offering…
In most cases no, it's not easy and straightforward to identify someone's location based on a picture alone. Sure, if you're standing in front of the Eiffel Tower or similar landmark, then obviously it's not going to be a secret, but the vast majority of pictures are taken without unique background scenery. Personally, I…
I want to be an engineer, but as I've discovered in the last year, the schooling is expensive as fuck and I'm not sure that I have sufficient funding or motivation to finish my degree. I may end up switching to something with a smaller time/financial commitment, then taking business courses on the side while I'm working…
Nice idea. Sulfuric acid isn't miscible with hydrocarbons, so it should remain in droplets and react with the potassium chlorate when the bottle is broken.
Sometime around 2008, a few friends and I were hanging out at a vacant lot near the local baseball field, and one of them had his car running to power the stereo, which was blasting metal at about 130dB. We had been there for 20 minutes or so when some asshole faggot decided to call the police over an apparent noise…
I'm a member of probably 2 dozen forums/websites and use at least 15 different usernames. Due to the nature of my interests and the highly controversial information/videos I post on the internet, I don't like to leave all of my eggs in one basket.
Totse is a place where you can talk about anything under the sun, take any viewpoint, portray any attitude, and not get censored for it. There's really no other place, online or offline, where this is the case. That's why I was drawn to the original Totse, and why I signed up here.