Meloncholy · Regular


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  • White flight makes the place look like fucking Chernobyl. Creepy.
  • Looks interesting. One thing I noticed from my initial skeg through it: Not strictly true. Mouthwashes which contain alchol such as Listerine create dry mouth and can cause bad breath in the long run. Also, the conc of alcohol in Listerine is 25%, is not high enough to be an effective antiseptic. Source.
  • Another totsean from God's own county. We're taking over!
  • Out of interest, what does the future hold for forums like HB and Not in My Forum? I have neither a problem nor a strong affiliation with either of them, but reading between the lines of the OP it would seem to me like their days are numbered. Anway, my 2¢: In the past it was the anarchic freedom of speech that originally…
  • I've already said elsewhere that I'm keen to do a guide to edible British wild plants - with an emphasis on functionality (ID'ing, recipes, where to find etc) rather than a fuck-off comprehensive list. I've taken a lot of photos this summer for helping to ID plants, but this is still a mammoth challenge, and if anyone else…
  • Bugger. I read this yesterday and manually searched most of the plants individually. Should have waited for the update :facepalm: I'd be interested to know more about the flour and any tips you have for making it (and maximising the amount of usable flour you get; picking all those seeds seems a laborious task, I would…
  • I've never seen anything concrete in the way of a medical paper, but the internet is awash with anecdotal evidence that stopping masturbating will increase testosterone. Whether this is genuinely the case or not, if you "just want some more drive/aggression" it might be worth trying.
  • There is nothing more emasculating than kissing upwards. Fact.
  • This is why we can't have nice things.
  • Why would Comcast be sending you threatening letters if you're using peerblock effectively?
  • Reminds me of that small dick support group site, where fat guys with tiny dicks would meet up for a circle jerk. They too were convinced there was nothing gay about this activity.
  • ^ Wasn't there a remix video of the guy saying "butthash" over and over? Also - shut up, Steve. The text file "Skateboards and Methadone" or something similar.
  • If you enjoy Brave New World and Huxley's ideas, take a look at Island. It's seen as the contrasting utopian counterpart to BNW (and is very readable).
  • I always wondered how they made those massive curved planks on boats.
  • If this does get resurrected I would gladly take part.
  • Grizzly Park has the distinction of being the worst horror film I've ever seen. Were it not fot the "**** Movie" type of film, it would be the worst film fullstop.
  • It's like a mentally ill person imitating W.S Burroughs. E: in fact, it's just like W.S Burroughs.
  • I demand that this happens. (please?)
  • 1) select reasonably straight branch from a suitable tree spp (hazel is ideal) 2) remove bark and offshoot branches 3) clamp it between two boards and leave it to dry out for about a year 4) varnish OR disregard all the above and follow this video: ^Never tried it using a hot air…
  • Brilliant. The shipping forecast on Radio 4 is my lullaby when I can't sleep, this song makes it sound even more dreamy.
  • Because the advertisers haven't told us it's what we want to do yet. [/cynicism]
  • I'm no expert, but that looks like good advice to me.
  • I've read a few reports on 28DL of the Kenton Bar site, it does look like a fantastic explore, but they're all from a few years ago so I'm assuming that security has been stepped up in more recent times, which does generally happen when there's talk of private development. It's sad, but it looks like the only way to see it…
  • I trim pretty every once in a while because doing so makes it look bigger. Wait, I mean, it makes it look even bigger :o
  • *buys shares in sickipedia*
  • I take it by the conspicuous absence of the OP that this didn't end well. I reckon he either died or got institutionalised.
  • I would laugh if this turned out to be a viral ad for that new Rise of the Planet of the Apes film.
  • Most of these bunkers were dug ~60 years ago, but ironically enough this post accurately describes the current situation in the UK as well! Where is that? The fire tower at Tynemouth? I would be sceptical about the vista from it; I once did a skydive over Peterlee on a relatively clear day, at about 15k feet I could see…
  • Related question: does the brand of oil have any bearing whatsoever? I see adverts like this one on tv for "Castrol Magnetec" and similar products that claim their expensive brand name oil gives you "5x more protection" and will make you engine live longer etc etc, is there any…
  • I'm not sure if this is universal, but in the UK it doesn't matter what the "vehicle" is. There was a story in the paper relatively recently about a man who got his driving licence suspended for riding a horse while drunk on the public highway. You can also be suspended from driving for riding a bike (as in bicycle, not a…
  • I'm sorry Mr. News Commentator Man, but hacking The Sun newspaper is both funny and clever.
  • I love that under 2012 section, amongst all the apocalyptic talk of natural disasters and civil unrest, lies the quote "It is important to note that nowhere in any of the Mayan prophecies does it say unconditionally that the world itself is going to end on 12/21/12". Still, there's some pretty cool looking stuff on there.…
  • I'm pretty sure someone has done at some point. The rugs and cushions seen in the interior shots aren't part of the original kit and have obviously been brought in. Once upon a time it was connected to both fresh running water and electricity, although these have either been disconnected or are faulty.
  • Just listened to this after playing portal. Headfuck.
  • "They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more." Read some Beckett, it should cheer you up. Or is it depress you more; I forget...
  • I'm taking up Spanish again. Here is some shit I may or may not be finding useful: Spanish & Latin American children's books More kid's books Translator, better than some others I've used Elementary Spanish book with glossary Pimsleur torrent Michel Thomas torrent
  • I just read a news article that said 3 of them drowned (2 got out). I don't like to be too critical about this sort of thing (don't speak ill of the dead and all that), but notice the guy right at the beginning wearing a purple t-shirt and white three quarters? He starts off level with the some of the group that ended up…
  • Salvia. *braces for flames*
  • The kind of wildlife that lives in a small garden pond will not drop out of the sky. Whatever larger animals he wants to eventually attract will be dependant on the resident population of plants and animals from the lower trophic levels. Aquatic plants, larvae, nepomorpha etc won't colonise unless a corrdor links the…
  • My cover is blown :eek: Hey, fuck you. I'm alowed a spelling mistake every now then. Even if the one in question does make me sound like a three year old.
  • I find it hard to believe that low intesity (twice a year) ground spraying is having such an effect. It's a small garden pond with no adjacent corresponding habitat - critters aren't going to find their way into such a pond on their own. Besides, the pond was populated and vegetated to begin with so it should have had a…
  • People yammering on about pesticides and pollutants are barking up the wrong tree. It's an artificial pond with a pond liner. A liner that stops water leaking out, and thus contaminated water leaking in. How small a pond are we talking? If it's back garden thing, sort of hot tub size then it probably won't draw in…
  • Grolsch. It tastes like someone's pissed in a glass of Carlsberg, which tastes like piss to begin with.
  • That first rampage was genius. If only he had a mic, he must have been pissing himself laughing.
  • Merging forums with related content is a great idea and I fully support it. We don't get enough traffic to warrant the seperate Mac, Windows & Linux forums for example, so rolling them up into one makes sense. But merging unrelated content doesn't make sense (at least, not to me anyway). A thread about literature sitting…
  • The obvious answer would have been to just go outside for a walk and listen to some good music, but funnily enough at the time the thought didn't occur. I was more preoccupied with my exploding testicles.
  • I don't want to butt in all guns blazing when I only know half the story, but if those quotes from the first post are genuine then that's pretty low. I was never really happy with zoklet as a succesor to &t and the whole tokenguy thing kind of finsihed it for me so I voted with my feet, as did a few other members. But…
  • What the fuck? I just wandered into this thread and now I feel like Randle McMurphy. Let me out!
  • I have no response, can't really work out what they're getting at; "coddling my own voluptuous jubblies" for example, it's like James Joyce is talking to me from beyond the grave. Besides, misogyny doesn't need 'meriting'.
  • "Vicks Vaposyrup for Dry Coughs" and "Robotussin Full Strength for Dry Coughs" are both available OTC in the UK. And neither contain acetominophen, which is good :thumbsup: