MunkeyQ · Semo-Regulars


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  • If you read the article, it mentions that it uses SBS. This specification is used by many battery controller IC manufacturers for loads of smart Li-ion packs in many different brands of laptop. There's nothing special or vulnerable about Apple's battery design, it's just that they left the front door wide open by using the…
  • I see what you mean, but I'm trying to relate it to real-world results rather than a number, which is only relative. It's been a long time since I've felt the need to overclock or tinker with computers though...nowadays I just use my laptop as a tool, nothing else.
  • Fast enough for my needs. :D Chasing those elusive 10 benchmark points in SuperMegaBenchmark9000 or whatever is sort of pointless IMO, as it often has very little real-world effect. However, I do see it as a good way to compare two different systems which aren't directly comparable by 'traditional' means like clock speed.
  • Cheers...there's no reason why Zoklet and .info can't co-exist peacefully. Only things that put me off this place is the inexplicable resentment towards a website (Zoklet) by those with no lives and the disturbing text files...
  • Nothing will get cooked if you try to run a 12v fan off a 5v USB port. Only thing that'll happen is that the fan will run sloooow. You can salvage 5v fans from old network switches, or run the existing 12v ones from a charger as you mentioned...anything up to about 15v will be fine, although it'll sound like a fighter jet…
  • Nice lighting rig! Good to see some Martin gear on gigs like this, although you need more Atomics! :D What laser is that? Looks like an old Showtec, great things, if a little heavy. Why not hang the 500s from the front truss? You'd get to use the full panning ability then. Since you're using trilite, a truss stand in the…