Unrelated, but I saw that you contacted me through my user profile, I intended to get back to you, however, the forum is acting up, and keeps logging me out whenever I try to access your user profile. Yeah, I was on totse2 for a while until it closed. I'm Michael Myers. I post sometimes on NIS.
I migrated from Zoklet, so I'm not a Totsean, but yeah, whatever's left of the userbase decided to migrate to NIS. Special thanks to Lanny for dealing with us sh-theads.
bornkiller: Lucky you. I barely have spare time nowadays, all thanks to college. I was supposed to have a year off, but then it turned out I got placed into college after all. So I had no time to prepare for a vacation, despite the fact that I had the previous 14 months off.
Yeah, same here. But I probably would pour some gasoline as well. Y'know, just for shits 'n' giggles. [racist joke] It's not like burn wounds would be noticeable on her anyway. [/racist joke]
Goddamnit, why is it always the non-whites that suffer from flaming crotches? At least this guy didn't pull down his pants to reveal his dick for a split second, unlike the black girl.
Dfg: Just second hand ones? Dang. There goes my hope of finding a brand new Motorola razr flip phone. Second hand phones are gross. I know Pakistani salesmen are fucking douchebags so they're gonna be like "These are completely brand new, sir." (But then in Urdu, don't know how to write it in latin letters.) I'll be in…
They both suck dick, but I'd go for Trump, I guess. At least he's not sucking up to Israel. I have no problem with Israeli citizens but their government (as is every Western government) is shitty as fuck. Not just Western ones though, every government is fucked up.
We are the kings of replying late, aren't we? I sure as hell hope Arms is still alive and well. Somebody apparently has his phone number but he doesn't want to bother Arms.
No problem, bk! Can anyone get a hold of Arms? Somebody on yet another off-shoot of Zoklet is pretending to be him. But it's so obvious that it's not Arms. This guy just flames on, Arms would never do that. Nor would he say racist shit, he was against that. Which is what the fake Arms does.
For some reason, if you click on that link, it redirects you to the main page. Just write it yourself and you'll be on his page. I really like his entries. Wish he would post more often.
Yeah, I found his wife's blog as well, the last thing she posted was in 2013. But, what is funny to see, is that she's got like... four times the amount of entries per month that Arms has. Here's the link (to Arms', you can find his wife's through his): http://www.armsmerchant.xanga.com
No problem, bk! I found his blog lol.. last update was from 2012. But I still don't believe he's dead. Anyone got proof? An obituary? Until then, I'm not buying it.
Exactly. I mean, where's MUH FREEZE PEACH?! Fucking assholes. Same thing happened on Reddit with "hate subs" -- most particularly against whales (read: fat people).
Wait, hang on, Arms is dead? Are you sure? These rumors have been spread before, mostly because he's old, but I don't think he's dead yet. I mean, he had trouble finding his way over to RDFRN, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know we post on niggasin.space now. PS: what's his blog URL?
Fighting them is indeed pointless. There are just too many of them. I have been trolling feminists online, funnily enough they are always teenagers. My conclusion is that a lot of them consider themselves feminists because they want to belong. It's fucking pathetic. Guys too. I can't tell you how many male feminists I have…
I once was exposed to this subculture known as "bronies", which are men that idolize My Little Pony - a cartoon of talking magical horses. They're fucking ponies, dude. Not horses.
Hey DFG, at least now the heads of our political parties are working together. Plus the death penalty is back! So despite the fucked up events (including that of a teacher being burned alive) something good came out of it. 2 terrorists have been hung already. A lot of people seem to be saying that violence isn't the…
Yeah I'm looking at your thread now! Looks good brother, nice to see you stop by! I also see you registered on the other forum--awesome! You're planning on staying there, right?
I'm sure they won't be able to find image files of chat conversations. Our ladies aren't that smart at all. You can leave out the pictures of themselves even with their faces blurred out. Chat convos will do just fine.
So I just read this story and I am so glad I don't live in Pakistan. Besides, if your assumptions were true, and she'd be fat.. well then you dodged a big, fat bullet, right? (pun intended) Having said that, I'm happy I live down here where everything works different. But then again, it's not like I'm actively dating or…
You should definitely do it. My cousin did the same thing. He's now studying in Australia for 4 years total. Maybe he'll even stay there.. doubt it, though.