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“Improving” The Brain

I say improving the brain in parentheses because there is supposedly no proof that the brain actually improves from anything. So basically, it’s a guide to develop more muscle memory, which may or may not improve your brain and help it work better overall.


First part is improving your less dominant hand. Unless you are already ambidextrous, you most likely have a dominant hand that is used more often than the other, less dominant hand. Obviously, you have developed muscle memory with the dominant hand doing various tasks. So the goal is to develop muscle memory with the less dominant hand. This can be done by simply using the less dominant hand in everyday tasks, such as using a fork while eating, opening doors, using a tool such as a hammer, etc. Doing this might feel awkward at first, but as you build muscle memory, it will start feeling natural. Also, a key thing is to not stop using your dominant hand, as you might start losing muscle memory by not doing certain tasks with it. It is best to keep up a balance once you get used to using your less dominant hand.

The second part is related to the first, and involves using both hands at once. The activities that use both hands are usually quite different than one-handed tasks, and a lot of these tasks may use both hands to do different things, such as playing the drums or guitar, driving (With stick shift), orgies, etc. One way to test your ability in this is to try patting yourself on the head while rubbing your belly with the other hand, or vice-versa (You may also switch up hands and motions). It’s kind of hard to find activities that use both hands like that, but you can just use both of them as often as possible in daily activities, and likely you’ll find times where you can be using them at the same time. Just like how it is hard to get used to using your less dominant hand, it is also difficult to get use to using two hands at once, especially for separate activities. It is best to get used to efficiently using both hands separately, before trying this.




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