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Adam Schiff to Release Book Detailing His View of Trump Impeachment

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is planning to release a book later this year about former President Donald Trump’s impeachment process.

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Schiff announced the book, “Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could,” in a social media post Tuesday, telling his followers that he has been working on it “for the last year.”

When I decided to write this book, I set out to explain how Donald Trump put our democracy so deeply at risk,” Schiff wrote in a Facebook post. “How things we never imagined could happen here, did happen, and worse could follow.”

I wanted to share some news with all of you. For the last year, I've been working on a book, "Midnight in Washington:…

Posted by Adam Schiff on Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Schiff, who serves as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, wrote in the announcement that he transformed from “serious prosecutor” to “Congressman” and that he believes he has a story to tell.

“I wanted to do more than describe the slow undoing of the liberties we cherish,” Schiff stated. “I also wanted to tell a deeply personal story, about my own path from serious prosecutor to congressman with an expertise in national security and a reputation for bipartisanship, to liberal lightning rod, scourge of the right and archenemy of a president.”

Schiff, who led a mostly partisan impeachment against former President Trump, considers the process to be America’s “darkest hours” and insists he wanted to tell the story from a “unique perspective.”

“I wanted to warn that the danger to our democracy will last for years, and require unprecedented vigilance against a uniquely American form of authoritarianism, and an anti-democratic fervor now embraced by a large segment of the public,” he continued.

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Schiff also gave his “takeaway” from the situation:

For all his shrewdness and cynicism, Trump could not have come so close to succeeding if his party had stood up to him, if good people hadn’t been silent, or worse, allowed themselves to become complicit. Alongside the very public moments, there were plenty of private struggles, and triumphs of courage, but more often, the slow surrender of people I worked with and admired to the shameful immorality of a president who could not be trusted with the institutions of American liberty.

“At a time when the very idea of liberal democracy is being challenged around the world, America must reclaim its legacy as liberty’s champion, and I believe that we can,” Schiff concluded. “I wrote this book to tell you why.”

Schiff’s book is slated for release on October 26, 2021 as he works with Random House and publisher Javelin to produce the book.

h/t: BreitBart

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