This is for informative purposes only. Do not try this on yourself or against others!
Written by white88enochian
Castorbean / Castor oil plant – Ricinus communis
Description: Castorbeans come from the castor oil plant, a member of the spurge family. They are cultivated world-wide for castor oil, and the seeds are easily available at some gardening stores. Castor beans are large mottled brown-black beans.
Toxicity Rating: Very High, Death may result from even minute amounts, however, very slow acting (it uses a protein).
Toxin: Ricin, a water soluble protein.
Toxicity Distribution: The seeds (beans) are the most toxic, but the rest of the plant is also slightly poisonous. The beans contain about 0.6% ricin by mass.
Lethal Dosage: The minimal lethal dosage of is an estimated 0.001mg/kg (1ppb), the LD50 value is an estimated 0.03mg/kg (30ppb) (through oral consumption). A 0.05mg dose of ricin could kill a person weighing 100lbs, a 1.5mg dose of ricin would kill of 50% of the population it is applied to. This would mean 0.8 grams of castorbean could kill a person weighing 100lbs, a 24 grams dosage of castorbean would kill off 50% of the population applied to. Commonly, only 2-8 castorbeans is enough to kill a grown adult.
Possible Side-Effects: Stomach irritation, increased heart rate, death, profuse sweating, collapse, convulsions, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Availability: The seeds to grow castor oil plants are available at some gardening stores.
Notes: The seeds only become toxic once the outer skin or casing is chewed off/removed, as this allows the toxin to pass through the system. Signs of toxicity may not appear until 18-24 hours of consumption, and death usually comes only 36 hours after consumption. Because of this, it is perfect for poisoning others, as they will only develop symptoms half a day later, and the protein decomposes in the body fairly fast. In the cold war, one of the spies was shot with an umbrella that contained a bullet with Ricin, and because it is a protein, it decomposed in his body before the autopsy could find what killed him. I believe they only discovered that it was ricin after the cold war ended.
Cowbane / Water Hemlock – Cicuta Virosa
Description: Water Hemlock is a wetland plant, considered a weed, but is fairly widespread in throughout North America, growing in wet meadows, pastures, sloughs, stream banks. A member of the parsley family.
Toxicity Rating: Very High, This is one of the most toxic plants in the United States. A lethal dose usually causes death within an hour.
Toxin: Cicutoxin, an extremely dangerous unsaturated alcohol.
Toxicity Distribution: The taproot contains the highest concentration of cicutoxin, stored in the form of a clear oil that turns orange when exposed to air. The rest of the plant contains lesser amounts.
Lethal Dosage: The LD50 of cicutoxin on humans is unknown. It is reported/estimated that a single bit of taproot material is enough to kill a grown man. The average person will usually die after 2-3 bites of taproot material.
Possible Side-Effects: Nervousness, breathing difficulties, muscle tremors, collapse, convulsions/seizures, death from asphyxiation. Symptoms may take 15-90 minutes to occur, but death may be sudden if asphyxiation is long enough.
Availability: A wetland plant that grows in wet meadows, sloughs, pastures, and along stream banks.
Notes: The taproot contains the cicutoxin in a clear oil. A good idea is to store the roots, and when needed, to cut the roots and drain the oil into a vial/phial, and then subsequently mix it in with your or your victims drink.
English Yew & Japanese Yew – Taxus baccata & Taxus cuspidata
Description: These particular yew species are very dangerous. The yew family comprises of trees that have thin leaves, almost like needles, that are evergreen. They grow red berries (arils), which contain the seeds.
Toxicity Rating: Extremely high, death is very fast and almost guaranteed if the lethal dosage is taken. The Japanese Yew is slightly more poisonous that the English Yew.
Toxin: Taxine, a mixture of alkaloid toxins. Taxine is a type of Taxane, the name for the various alkaloids found in yew trees.
Toxicity Distribution: The entire plant except for the flesh around the arils is poisonous. The seeds inside the arils, however, contain the highest concentration of Taxine.
Lethal Dosage: About 0.1% to 0.5% of fresh plant material (needles) is fatal – a 100-500mg/kg minimal lethal dose pf foliage. The lethal dose of seeds for an adult is estimated to be around 50 grams worth (~30 arils/berries), and reports have shown that the lethal dose for a child may only be 4 or 5 seeds. A handful of seeds alone almost guarantee a quick death.
Possible Side-Effects: Death is usually so fast that other possible side effects do not occur. If the dosage is low enough that death does not occur almost instantly, victims may experience breathing problems, trembling, weakness, heart problems, abdominal pain. Death occurs from the heart rate speeding up to the point that it suddenly stops (cardiac arrest, I think?).
Availability: The English yew & Japanese yew are available at some large gardening stores (i.e. Holes), or in some home improvement centers with gardening departments (i.e. Rona).
Notes: Only the English yew and the Japanese yew have Taxine. The other species of yew either have very minute amounts, or no poisonous compounds. Yew is poisonous even after being dried. This is good for storage purposes. The arils that contain the lethal seeds are sweet and nice tasting. Suicide from eating the arils is a nice way to go, as it is kind of like a ‘last dessert’. The seeds need to be ground up or properly chewed for the toxic material to come out; otherwise they may just pass through the system. The foliage of a yew remains toxic even after being dried. The Hick’s Yew (Taxus x. media hicksii) is a cross-breed of the Japanese and English yew, and is also very toxic (It is an average of both but slightly more similar to the English Yew). It’s leaves taste really bad, especially after being chewed up, Since it dries well, you may want to dry it, put it unto pill form, and take it ( with your favorite beverage), but you wont need to if you can just get the seeds ( be sure to grind them up).
Deadly Nightshade: Atropa belladonna
Description: A perennial herb plant, it is one of the most toxic plants in the world. Because it is so dangerous, it is sometimes considered a weed. It grows dark black berries that are attractive to children cause of their taste and look, a berry on a pentagram platter.
Toxicity Rating: Extremely high, sometimes considered the most toxic plant.
Toxin: Tropane alkaloids, Atropine.
Toxicity Distribution: Every part of the plant is extremely poisonous, the root being the most, then the leaves, then the berries, least poisonous, but still dangerous.
Lethal Dosage: Eating more than 3 berries will likely cause symptoms in an adult, ingestion of a leaf can be fatal to an adult, the toxicity of the root varies between species, but it is still the most toxic part. A bite of the root could be fatal.
Possible Side-Effects: Dizziness, dry mouth, flush, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment, increased heart frequency, agitation and raving, followed by weakness and sleepiness, breathing compression and death. The symptoms appear fairly fast.
Availability: Available at some gardening stores.
Notes: The scientific name, Atropa belladonna, comes in part because belladonna means ‘pretty lady’ in Italian, and the atropine in the Deadly Nightshade was used in the past to dilate the pupils of women, and give them a more ‘pretty’ look. The reason why it is sometimes considered the most toxic plant is because atropine is extremely poisonous, but is not always found in fatal quantities, as mentioned earlier, some species vary in toxicity. The juice is said to be inky black and very sweet. For suicide, this may be a viable way because it is like a last dessert, and it should at least taste good. It is said that the younger the plant, the more toxic it tends to be. Keep that in mind.
Strychnine tree – Nux Vomica
Description: An evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. It is cultivated commercially for its medicinal properties. Its fruit are yellow and contain 5-8 disk-shaped seeds.
Toxicity Rating: High.
Toxin: The alkaloids strychnine and brucine.
Toxicity Distribution: The seeds contain 1.5% strychnine; the dried blossoms contain approximately 1% strychnine. The bark contains brucine.
Lethal Dosage: The LD50 value of strychnine is 10mg/kg (10ppm). The minimal oral lethal dosage of strychnine is between 30mg-120mg for adults. It would take around 8 grams of seeds to reach the minimum oral lethal dosage, and 60 grams of seeds for the LD50.
Possible Side-Effects: Tightness in muscles, convulsions, twitching, hyperreflexia, extreme pain, death.
Availability: N/A
Notes: Strychnine is medicinally prescribed as a stimulant, laxative, or for stomach ailments. This is a very painful way to go, and should not be used for suicide. It would be better to use this to harm/kill other people because of the extreme pain from the symptoms.
Monkshood/Wolfsbane – Aconitum Napellus
Description: Herbaceous perennial plant native to mountainous regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
Toxicity Rating: Very High. The alkaloid poison aconitine that is found in it is considered one of the most toxic plant poisons.
Toxin: The alkaloid aconitine.
Toxicity Distribution: The tubers have the highest concentration of aconitine, ranging from 0.5-3% concentration.
Lethal Dosage: The lethal dose is estimated to be between 2-3mg for humans to be lethal. Oral/eaten lethal doses of aconitine have been reported as ranging from 1.5-6mg. This would mean that theoretically only a gram or two of monkshood tubers should be lethal.
Possible Side-Effects: Oral paresthesias (tingling in the mouth), abundant salivation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, death from respiratory failure or cardiac arrest.
Availability: Available at some gardening stores and home improvements centers with gardening departments (i.e. Rona).
Notes: Aconitum was used in the past in bait or poisoned arrows for killing carnivores such as wolves, hence the name Wolfsbane.
Foxglove – Digitalis Purpea & Digitalis Lanata
Description: Herbaceous perennial plant native Western Europe. The flowers of a foxglove plant hang down and look like bells.
Toxicity Rating: Very High.
Toxin: Digitoxin/Digoxin, a cardiac glycoside.
Toxicity Distribution: The whole plant is toxic, but the upper leaves are the most dangerous, with a 0.26-0.62% concentration of digitoxin.
Lethal Dosage: The estimated lethal dose for an adult is 10mg of digitoxin. The LD50 value of digitoxin is an estimated 0.3mg/kg (0.3ppm). It is reported that 0.5g of dried upper leaves or 2g of fresh upper leaves can kill. 5 grams of fresh low concentration leaves for each 100 pounds you weigh achieves the LD50 dose, as dose 2 grams of fresh high concentration leaves. Remember that when dried, the leaves will weigh less.
Possible Side-Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, delirium, irregular pulse, convulsions, and death from heart disturbances.
Availability: Foxglove is commonly available at gardening stores, and available at some home improvement centers with gardening departments (i.e. Rona)
Notes: Ironically, the digitoxin extracted from foxglove is used to make the heart medicine Digitalis. It helps your heart, and kills it too! One of the reasons foxglove is called foxglove, is because the flowers look like they would perfectly fit a fox’s paw into them. Foxglove retains its toxicity even after being dried, therefore being very good for storage. It is sometimes mistaken for the comfrey plant – which is sometimes used for tea – and with deadly consequences too.
Oleander -Nerium Oleander
Description: Evergreen perennial bush originating from the Mediterranean. It is known for its beautiful spiraling/whorl-shaped flowers and scent they give off. The flowers are very beautiful, and you should get them even if you are not going to kill yourself (it is always handy to have poison ready for when you need it anyways).
Toxicity Rating: Extremely High. Ranks up with Atropa Belladonna as one of the most poisonous plants.
Toxin: Oleandrin and neriine, both cardiac glycosides. Rosagenin (with strychnine-like effects) is present in the bark.
Toxicity Distribution: The whole plant is very toxic, but the highest concentration of toxins occurs in the sap. The bark contains Rosagenin. The concentration of oleandrin in plant tissues is 0.08%. The total amount of cardiac glycosides in the sap is 2%.
Lethal Dosage: One leaf is known to cause death in children, and a handful of leaves, 7-20 leaves, is usually enough to kill an adult. A single intensively chewed leaf (so all the poisonous can properly escape) has been known to cause death in adults.
Possible Side-Effects: Nausea and vomiting, excess salivation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, irregular heart rate, drowsiness, seizures, convulsions and coma, subsequently death.
Availability: Oleander is easily available at gardening stores; some flower shops may sell the flowers. It is also available at some home improvement centers with gardening departments.
Notes: Because oleander also uses cardiac glycosides, the symptoms are usually similar to that of foxglove. Oleander also retains toxicity after being dried or boiled.
Lily-of-the-Valley / May Lily – Convallaria majalis
Description: Herbaceous perennial woodland plant native to northern Asia and Europe.
Toxicity Rating: Moderate-high. Often fatal when eaten in abundant quantities, such as when children will eat many of the berries because of their sweet, rich taste.
Toxin: Contains about 20 glycosides, including convallotoxin/convalatoxin, convalarin, and convalamarin, and saponins.
Toxicity Distribution: All parts of the plant, including the bulbs and berries. The seeds are the most toxic, and the fruits are the least toxic.
Lethal Dosage: The LD50 values for lily-of-the-valley are not yet determined. The glycosides in lily-of-the-valley are poorly absorbed orally, and are much deadly when taken intravenously (injected). Through oral consumption, a high quantity is required to cause death.
Possible Side-Effects: Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache; higher quantities result in hypotension (low blood pressure), mental confusion/delirium, death from cardio-respiratory failure.
Availability: Lily-of-the-valley is extremely common, flower shops, gardening stores, and home improvement centers with gardening departments are almost guaranteed to have them. Even the florist departments in grocery stores (i.e. Safeway) probably sell Lily-of-the-valley.
Notes: Even though convallotoxin is one of the most toxic naturally-occurring substances that affect the heart, because of low concentration in Lily-of-the-Valley, a high quantity of plant material has to be consumed for death to occur. Lily-of-the-Valley retains toxicity even after being dried, but it is reduced significantly.
Bitter Almond – Prunus Dulcis
Description: The fruit of the almond tree, part of the rose family. A native plant to southwest Asia and northern Africa. The difference between bitter almonds and sweet almonds is that bitter almonds come from pink flowers, and are shorter and broader.
Toxicity Rating: High.
Toxins: Bitter almonds contain 6-8% prussic acid, which is a form of hydrogen cyanide.
Toxicity Distribution: The bitter almonds contain 6-8% prussic acid.
Lethal Dosage: The LD50 of orally ingested prussic acid is 1.1mg/kg (1.1ppm). This would mean a dose of 50 mg of hydrogen cyanide or ~0.8 grams of bitter almond for every 100 pounds the person weighed would be the LD50. A handful of bitter almonds does the job, usually 20 is enough to a guaranteed death.
Possible Side-Effects: The symptoms of bitter almond poisoning are the same of that of regular cyanide poisoning. Weakness, confusion, excessive sleepiness, coma, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, seizures, death.
Availability: Unprocessed bitter almonds are illegal for sale in the U.S. and Canada (?).
Notes: Unprocessed bitter almonds are illegal for sale, and only processed bitter almonds can be purchased legally. The heat from the processing procedure makes the bitter almond no longer poisonous. Minute amounts of cyanide are also present in other fruits from the rose family, such as in apple seeds (pips), cherry pits (you have to crush them thoroughly first to extract poison), and apricot and peach pits.
Azalea / Rhododendron – Ericaceae
Description: Flowering shrubs originating from the East Asia. There are a deciduous subgenus and an evergreen subgenus of azalea.
Toxicity Rating: Medium.
Toxins: Grayanotoxins (also known as andromedotoxins), which are glycosides.
Toxicity Distribution: All parts of the azalea are toxic.
Lethal Dosage: A dosage of 100-225g would have to be eaten to seriously injure a 55lb child. Evidently, a much higher amount would have to be eaten to kill an adult.
Possible Side-Effects: Salivation, vomiting, cough, seizures, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, palsy, unconsciousness, death. The symptoms for poisoning take a few hours, death comes near 6 hours.
Availability: Very easily available. Flower shops, gardening stores, gardening departments in home improvement centers. Even florist sections in grocery stores (i.e. Safeway) sell azalea.
Notes: A type of wine from azalea blossoms is made in Korea. Azalea is a commonly used plant to commit suicide, because it is easily available, and if taken in high enough doses, fairly reliable.
Wild Black Cherry – Prunus Serotina
Description: Deciduous tree belonging to rose family. Native to Canada and the eastern United States.
Toxicity Rating: High.
Toxins: Contains cyanogenic glycosides, which changes into hydrogen cyanide when metabolized.
Toxicity Distribution: Seeds (the seed pits), leaves, twigs. The foliage is poses the greatest risk, especially when damaged because it releases cyanide when damaged.
Lethal Dosage: The LD50 of orally ingested hydrogen cyanide is 0.35-0.5mg/kg (0.35-0.5ppm). The leaves of black cherry on average contain 212mg of Hydrogen Cyanide per 100g of fresh leaves. Since a 25mg dose of hydrogen cyanide for every 100lbs someone weighs is the LD50, to achieve the LD50 value, only ~12 grams of fresh leaves is required for every 100lbs a person weighs to achieve the LD50. Keep in mind, however, that the toxicity is higher when the foliage is damaged from things like frost, wilting, drought, trampling.
Possible Side-Effects: Anxiety, breathing problems, staggering, convulsions, collapse, death (which may be sudden).
Availability: Black cherry trees are naturally found growing in Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes. Some large plant nurseries or gardening centers may sell them.
Notes: Healthy cherry leaves contain prunasin, a cyanide precursor that in itself is non-toxic. When the leaves are damaged, the prunasin molecule is split and the cyanide is freed. Hydrogen Cyanide’s Ld-50 value is valued at 0.35-0.5ppm when taken intravenously (injected).
Common Poisonous Fruits that have Cyanide
Plants in the Rosaceae (apples) family all have cyanogenic glycocides that metabolise into HCN, the hitler-jew poison. Eating 2 cupfuls of apple seed ( thoroughly blended and mashed up ) should be enough to poison you. Keep in mind though, Hydrogen Cyanide is the painful cyanide.
Peachs and Apricot (also Rosaceae) pits also have cyaogenic precursors. When you crack open the pit, the seed ( that looks like an open almond that smells almost ‘vanilla-ish’ ), that stuff contains an estimated equivalent of 212 mg / 100 g (212 ppm). The LD 50 of cyanide is about 4 ppm to body weight. So for every 100 kg you weigh, you need ~4 grams of CN. Just take 300 grams of peach pit and you should be able to get on your way.
(don’t even bother thinking of trying to extract cyanide to poison another with this, it is cyanogenic precusors, not cyanide. Which also brings up to make sure the source is fresh, so there is the highest metabolism and cyanide/weight/absorbtion rate. )
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These all-natural sources are much better ways to poison yourself. They are natural for one (need I say more?). They are more reliable (The only sleeping pills you can OD suicide nowadays are barbiturates [sic?] (like phenolbarbitol), and they are only available if you’re doctor prescribes them, and he will first prescribe crap-melatonin, and he won’t even think about barbiturates if you’re a teenager. Don’t even bother drinking drain cleaner, nowadays, everything is all safety design and all that crap.), and some of them are pretty (oleander), and some (like yew berries or Deadly Nightshade berries) are tastier than other poisons. These all-natural sources are also very easy to get, unlike cyanide (The Hypatia tutorial on cyanide, http://www.hypatia-lovers…m/footnotes/Section01.pdf , actually requires 1200ºC for the second phase, and unless you own a smeltery, it is not very ‘home-ingredient friendly’).
The side-effects duration and time listings are when taken intravenously (injected). If taken orally (eaten), you should add 5-8 hours to the time because of digestion before you should start experience any effects.
The digestion time is lowered when on an empty stomach to around 6 hours. A full stomach may take upwards of 12 hours or more to have it digest.
If taken orally (eaten), it is best recommended to do so on a mostly empty stomach, as this ensures it will take faster. This also ensures that the digestion is even, so that enough toxins can get in fast enough (because it gets digested at the same time) and in doing so avoid the toxins from going in slowly, which cause the side effects to come slowly, usually a very painful experience.
If taken orally, it is a good idea to well maschsticate [sic?] (chew up) the plants properly. This ensures that more toxins will be able to come out, and faster too, so less plant matter will have to be taken to achieve the toxic dosage. In the case that the taste of the plant is so bad you could blend it up and mix it with a good-tasting drink. Make sure that the pH of the drink is appropriate, as a wrong pH may disrupt some toxins.
The Symptoms as described are if enough of the poison gets into your system all at once. This is why an empty stomach is usually better. However, if not enough poison gets in all at once, you may not die instantly (such as with taxus cuspidata/bacata). Intravenous taking will ensure enstantaenous effects (except with ricinis communis ), but may be extremely painful. Intravenous taking does NOT work with hydrocyanic precursor poisons (Rosacae, Prunus Dulcea) as they have to be metabolised.
A lot of the poisonous plants taste very bad to the point that the taste may induce vomiting, therefore being unable to digest and subsequently poison the victim. To help stop from vomiting, take one or two anti-histamine tablets (travel sickness, sea-sickness, hayfever tablets etc) from your local pharmacy to help stop this.
Some poisonous work better with alcohol, and increase their potency by up to 50% (you need to only take 50% less poisonous material). However, I am sorry I do not know which ones they are (I think the cardiac glycosides, but I’m not exactly sure), but since
With the plants that can be dried and still retain toxicity (yew, foxglove), it is a good idea to dry up the plant matter, then mill it in a mortar and pestle. Take the powder and fill it into an empty medicine pill (you can just empty out a tylenol tablet) and fill it up. Then, you can use this and eat this instead, as it does not taste that bad. This also makes the poisons easy to transport, hide, and utilise (in the case that you want to be a poisoner/assasin/hitman).
Do a little ‘kitchen-table-math’ to get the Dosages down right, I jotted this down pretty fast without thinking.
Do not consult your doctor before use, cause he will prescribe anti-depressants and make you a mindless zombie
Lol, death as a possible side effect image . Just stick it in the middle of the side effects list; like you are reading this to find something with a different side effect other than death [sarcasm].