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AZ GOP Chair Gives Audit Update–As Imaging Evaluations Begin

Another update on the Arizona audit from AZ GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward.

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She said that individuals from many states (I believe it is up to at least seven now) have toured the audit and are now trying to do the same in their states.

The tours included an in-depth briefing from the auditing team.

She said, “America’s audit is in great shape” and that the process is proceeding quickly.

She ensured that this was a real audit and not a phony one like the prior audits which just ran ballots back through the machine.

She said the next phase was taking the hand counting stations and converting them into digital imaging stations.

She said that the hand counting could be done by June 14th.

The digital process will take additional time.

Here is the video:

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h/t: The Palmieri Report

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