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BREAKING: Cuomo Reportedly Sexually Harassed Female Doctor Who Swabbed Him For COVID on Live TV [VIDEO]

By now, almost everyone knows that Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo is a sexual predator. But how much of a menace is the celebrated Democrat leader of one of the most liberal states in America? Instead of asking how many women were victimized by the Democrat governor, perhaps a better question is, “Were any woman he came in contact with safe from his unwanted advances?” It’s beginning to look like the answer to that question, is, unfortunately, very few.

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It’s now being reported that according to the NY AG’s report, Dr. Elizabeth Dufort, who administered a COVID test to Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo during a live press conference in May, was also a victim of his sexual harassment.

From the NY AG’s report:

According to the Daily Mail, off-camera while preparing for a press conference, Cuomo asked Dr. Dufort, (referred to as State Entity Employee number two by the report), to not put up the swab ‘so deep that you hit my brain’, it is alleged.

She replied that she would be ‘gentle but accurate’ in carrying out the test, to which Cuomo replied: ‘Gentle but accurate, I’ve heard that before.’

The doctor said she felt the Governor was trying to make a “joke of an implied sexual nature.”

Moments later at the press conference, Cuomo said to the doctor in front of the cameras: “Nice to see you, Doctor—you make that gown look good.”

The attorney general’s report said the woman ‘found the Governor’s comments offensive and that they would not have been made to an accomplished physician who was a man’.

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Why would a room full of reporters stand by and gush over this despicable man while he objectifies a professional woman on live tv? Would they have allowed President Trump or even one of his staffers to publicly objectify a professional woman in this manner and completely ignore it? Of course, it’s a rhetorical question.

h/t: 100 Percent Fed Up

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