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BREAKING: Georgia Election Investigators Find Enough Illegal Votes to Potentially Tip 2020 Race

In Georgia, election investigators seem to have confirmed that enough illegal votes were cast in the 2020 election that it would have changed the final results if they were thrown out.

The margin separating 2020 presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden was a mere 12,670 votes.

Election investigator Mark Davis, who is the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics, poured through Change of Address filings in the National Change of Address database. He found that at least 10,300 votes in Georgia were made by voters outside of state election law’s residency requirements.

Georgia election law gives residents a 30-day window to update their new permanent address so that they can vote in their new county. Since these voters both voted in their previous county and confirmed through a subsequent update to their registration that the move was not temporary, Davis holds, these votes were illegal. Davis has found 10,300 Change of Address cases that would violate Georgia law, but there are a total of 35,000 possible cases that would be confirmed through a new registration with an updated address. The allegedly illegal votes could be enough to change Senate races and state legislative races, if they were to be thrown out by a judge.

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As Margot Cleveland of The Federalist states in an extensive report on the Georgia election issue, which includes an interview with Mark Davis, a judge has the discretion to throw out illegal votes and order a new election. However, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office appeared to be only vaguely aware of the Change of Address issue, and furthermore, made off-base allegations about Mark Davis’s data analysis.

“It was disconcerting to see the media and the courts largely ignore serious issues like these, especially since the data I was seeing showed very legitimate issues,” Davis told Cleveland. “In fact, I heard members of the Secretary of State’s team admit some votes were cast with residency issues, but then claimed there weren’t enough of them to cast the outcome of the election in doubt,” Davis added.

“That was not at all what I was seeing, and as far as I am aware the Secretary of State’s Office has never put an actual number on the ones they did see.” Again, since there are 35,000 potentially illegal cases, according to Davis’s data, there is enough of a pool to put the state’s elections in doubt.

Cleveland did get an “explanation” for the change-of-address discrepancies, but it appears to be an erroneous one. Raffensperger’s press secretary Walter Jones, and his deputy secretary of state, Jordan Fuchs, suggested that Davis’s figure included “false-positives” due to duplicate entries, since he did not have Social Security numbers and birth dates for voters.

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This was easily explained away by Davis, who pointed out the eight-digit voter ID numbers, which are tied to voting histories. Cleveland surveyed the preliminary data and confirmed that Davis’s response was a correct one.

While Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, after the presidential election was certified at the Electoral College, there is still a cloud of doubt looming over state elections like Georgia’s. Determining if the state’s electors were rightfully or wrongfully certified is something that all voters deserve to know.

h/t: Trending Politics

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