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CNN Tries To Smear AZ Audit–Gets Destroyed By AZ President Karen Fann

CNN continues to go all-in on smearing the audit in Arizona. 

Look at the chyron they put up: “Woman Behind Bogus AZ Audit Confronted By CNN On Actions” 

MUST READ! Forbes: “Biden To End 401(k) Benefits” (He’s Tried It Before)

Of course, CNN had all smears and no facts.

CNN reporter Kyung Lah confronted Arizona Senate President Karen Fann.

Fann asked the CNN reporter if she could promise that no dead people voted and that the chain of custody was accurate.

All CNN reporter could say is the normal talking points. No facts. Just talking points.

Here is the interaction:


Will CNN cover the widespread irregularities already found?

Take a look. If you have retirement savings you cannot afford to lose…

h/t: The Palmieri Report

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