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Donald Trump Issues Urgent Demand to AZ Gov. Ducey Over State Election Audit

Donald Trump is renewing his battle with Governor Doug Ducey over getting transparency and accountability for the 2020 election results in the critical swing state.

“The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election. Governor Ducey will be held fully responsible for the safety of those involved. State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection. The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed, and they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act!” he said in a statement issued Saturday.

Joe Biden was recorded as having defeated Donald Trump by fewer than 11,000 votes. On Friday, Trump blasted Arizona Democrats for attempting to block the audit of 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, as well as a forensic audit of voting machines and tabulators.

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“So many people would like to thank the brave and patriotic Republican State Senators from Arizona for the incredible job they are doing in exposing the large scale Voter Fraud which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election,” Trump said. “Their tireless efforts have led to a massive recount, ballot examination, and full forensic audit, undertaken by experts retained by the State Senate, with results to be announced within six weeks.”

“The Democrats, upon hearing the news of the Court Order, have sent 73 lawyers to Arizona in an effort to stop this recount and full transparency because THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!” he continued. “The Democrats are desperate for the FRAUD to remain concealed because, when revealed, the Great States of Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, New Hampshire, and the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, would be forced to complete the work already started. The Arizona recount and examination will be on live TV (OAN) for all to watch.”

“Why are the Democrats so desperate to stop this Election Fraud from being revealed?” he went on. “That answer is obvious! The Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, has been shockingly of zero help to the State Senate. He wants to ‘pretend’ the election was free and fair. What are he and the Maricopa County Commissioners trying to hide?” he asked.

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“Our country needs the truth of the scam 2020 Election to be exposed,” Trump added. “If it is not, just as if we have ‘no borders,’ we cannot be a Great Nation. Honest elections are America’s Heart and Soul. We must never allow this to happen to our Great Country again. Thank you State Senators and others in Arizona for commencing this full forensic audit. I predict the results will be startling!”

On Friday afternoon, right as the scheduled election audit was set to commence, the Arizona Democrats succeeded in temporarily getting the judge to pause the proceedings until Monday morning with a Special Action. But the Democrats failed to produce the $1 million bond, meaning that the audit can proceed as scheduled.

Later on Friday, according to Arizona Law blog, the Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick “heard arguments on the Special Action.” He took “no action, praised Judge Coury’s handling of the morning hearing, and ordered an updated pleading from the State Senate on Tuesday, responses on Wednesday, and a reply on Thursday.”

h/t: Trending Politics

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  1. Paul r Varble
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