An incredible video has been sent to 100 Percent Fed Up that shows a semi-truck trailer packed with all-male illegal aliens who’ve been smuggled across the border and are being dropped off just south of San Antonio, Texas.
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We spoke with retired ICE Special Agent Victor Avila, who explained to us that these large groups of mostly male illegal aliens are likely gang or cartel members, pedophiles, or violent criminals who wouldn’t be accepted into the US, even during Biden’s illegal immigrant surge because of their criminal history. According to Avila, these men are usually kept in a “stash” or safe house after they make the trek across the Rio Grande. They are then picked up from the stash houses and are loaded into a large semi-trailer, and are delivered to various locations across the United States.
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Victor Avila explains:
“These aliens don’t want to be detected by Border Patrol. Maybe they have a criminal history or are gang members, cartel members. They don’t want to be identified. Also known as the GotAways.”
Border agent Sergio Tinico posted images on his Proud American Facebook page of illegal aliens being smuggled into the US:
Sergio Tinoco wrote a description above the photos: Agents in Big Bend Sector continue to intercept large human smuggling schemes. As seen in the photos, human smuggling is extremely dangerous and puts multiple lives in danger. Smugglers have no regard for those they put at risk for financial gain. Great work Big Bend Sector!
h/t: 100 Percent Fed Up
Get Joe and kamala out! This is so crazy!!
Thats because they know the perverted idiot in the White House doesn’t care.Take them tohis front yard at his personal home and unload them,also to Adam Schitt’s,Nancy Pukelos’s,Canyon mouth Watters Low life Warren’s Moron Harris’s. Let them deal with them,oh and the Ovomit’s and Killary’s and her ugly Ass daughters….