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Experts Reveal Mesa County’s Voting Machine Were Connected To The Internet

Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium is underway and has already proven a major fact considering whether or not voting machines are capable of connecting to the internet or not.

Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson who has been covering Lindell’s Cyber symposium extensively reported that experts have revealed that voting machines used at Mesa County’s elections were in fact connected to the internet.

The evidence the experts used were images from a server of a voting machine that was leaked on a blog last month.

A deeper look into the images also revealed that logs were wiped from the server and MS SQL files were completely taken off too.

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Mesa County’s clerk Tina Peters is being blamed for helping leak the video but at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium she has declared that she had no part in the leak and is being framed.

The Gateway Pundit covered the story and had more to add:

Secretary of State Griswold said the video released last week was from May 25th when the county was updating its election systems. Griswold accused the Mesa County Clerk’s office of leaking the Dominion passwords.

The Channel7 report is very revealing. Secretary of State Griswold, who is pushing open-fraudulent elections in the state, was interviewed by 7News and alleged the Dominion machine passwords were leaked by the County Clerk’s office and posted online. Last night during the symposium Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters told the audience her office NEVER had the Dominion machine passwords.
Obviously, there is much more to be revealed.

The Gateway Pundit was mentioned by News Channel7 in their report. Dominion’s Legal Counsel Stephen Shackelford was interviewed. According to Channel7 Dominion says “it doesn’t allow remote access.”

So according to Dominion they “don’t allow remote access on their machines” but this Denver 7 News report down below clearly shows that the voting machine could be connected to the internet.

At the 21 second mark of the video below you can clearly tell that the leaked video can be connected to WLAN.

According to tech gurus b “both Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) and WLAN (wireless local area network)” can both be connected to the internet.

Here’s the Denver 7 News report, who is currently reporting the story as a conspiracy rather than factual evidence:

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h/t: We Love Trump

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