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HAUNTING Audio Recordings From 9-11…Grab a Tissue!

September 11, 2021, marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Grab a tissue. This powerful video of the first hand accounts on 9-11 remind us of how our fellow Americans suffered and grieved on that horrific day that Islamic terrorists forever changed our nation.

We will never forget the shock and horror on that day, 20 years ago, when terrorists hijacked commercial jets and struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a fourth jet crashed into a Pennsylvania field after the heroic actions of passengers who learned the intended target of the plane was the U.S. Capitol.

TRENDING: 1 tsp of THIS kills nighttime pee urges for good

Immediately following the terrorist attacks, our nation united in patriotism, regardless of political affiliation, vowing to never forget.

In the days, weeks and months that followed the terrorist attacks, our nation responded with unity and solidarity.  American flags were proudly displayed in defiance of those that tried to intimidate and defeat us.

We will never forget those who died, the thousands of children that lost a parent, people that lost family members, the fearless first responders that lost their lives rescuing others, those that risked their own lives in order to save others, the crews and passengers of American and United flights, and those who fought then, and now, in order to bring the 9/11 perpetrators and their orchestrators to justice, and to strive to keep us safe in the years following the attacks.

Don’t miss this! Want to permanently reduce your nighttime urge to pee by tonight

We will never forget‼️Senator Josh Hawley’s tweet and prayer perfectly sums up the 20th anniversary of this tragic day and reminds us of why we must remain united and not allow evil to divide us. Please pray for our nation—-we have never needed it more than we do today!

h/t: 100 Percent Fed Up

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