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Make an OxyAcetylene Bomb

This Howto is provided for informational purposes only! DO NOT MAKE ONE OF THESE! It is illegal and very dangerous compared to other bombs SWIM could make. Spazz is not responsible for dismaberd heads,legs,arms,penises or any death or injusry resulting form reading/doing anything described in this How to

OK for those of you with access to oxygen and acetylene (or propane) gas, this ones for you!

This basically works on the principle of acet being SUPER flammable and it being perfectly mixed with oxy means you don’t need to contain the explosion with any kind of pipe/electrical tape and still have a big/ rapid BOOM

EDIT: you can also make them with only acetylene gas and no oxygen, this makes a HUGE fireball. but its a slow/fiery explosion. this is actually much safer too, try this kind for your first time.

1. First you need tanks of oxy and acet (propane works instead of acet, but not as good)
Oxyacetylene Tank

2. Now hookup all your hoses ext, you have to know how to do this part. if you don’t know then get someone who knows to hook up the hoses.

Now we have our hoses and torch ready to go,

3. SET THE MIXTURE,of the oxy-acet. if you didn’t know how to hookup the hoses then you should probably have that same person do the mix for you.just set it like you normally would for cutting. you want all of your combustion to happen right at the tip of the torch. it should be white hot.

Your torch should look like this:
Oxyacetylene Blowtorch
Crappy image, i know.

4. Snuff the torch out in the dirt.

5. Filling the container.for your first time just use a balloon(still a BIG/rapid BOOM)
,unless you can think of something better (less static=better) careful not to kill yourself with static electricity!!!! oxy-acet when mixed will go off with the slightest of sparks!!

6. Figure out a fuse, I have seen people use newspaper. you can do this if you don’t mind dieing/being mutilated. personally i say make a fucking spark detonator


These are great, I was first introduced to these by my Agri teacher and later on at a badass 4th of july party. at the party they used TRASHBAGS (omfg stupid) STATIC ELECTRICITY YO!!!not that balloons are much better…..

But a trashbag full of perfectly mixed oxy-acet gas is INSANE amount of BOOM the flash lit up the whole holler, like blinding white light for 1/3 mile and the booms echoed for atleast a minuet soooooooo coooool

BTW they have videos of crappy ones being lit off on google vid.

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