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NOW CONFIRMED: COVID Vaccine Made With “Magnetofection” Technology

I’m sure you’ve seen the reports and even videos of people becoming magnetized after receiving the COVID vaccine.

Of course these were dismissed by the “fact checkers” almost immediately.

The only problem?

People kept making videos and it become undeniable after a certain point.

So when the powers-that-be could no longer claim it was a “conspiracy” the truth eventually came out.

Turns out the magnetism is a result of a process called “magnetofection” and it’s very real.

Watch this:

From The Trenches World Report had more explanation:

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Stew Peters interviews Dr Jane Ruby who confirms the magnetic effects that Covid vaxxed people have experienced. She says it is a deliberately made substance added to the vaccines. This shows criminal intent. It was added because it is an aggressive delivery system to get it into EVERY cell of your body. The process is called ‘Magnetofection’ and is available in scientific literature such as Pubmed. It concentrates the mRNA into people’s cells and forces your body to make these synthetic mRNA instructions even in places where they shouldn’t be located within the body.

It is a ‘forced delivery system’ and is called by the acronym of SPIONS – Supramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. These particles use a lipid nanoparticle envelope to gain entry into the cells. It is done this way to protect mRNA because mRNA is easily degraded and this is also why the Pfizer vaccines are refrigerated at -70 degrees Fahrenheit as another form of protection.

There is a German company on the internet called ‘Chemicell’ which sells different chemicals which can make these magnetic fields around your molecules. You can buy 200 microgram vials of their product called, ‘Polymag’. These are developed and sold for research purposes only and are not to be used for human diagnostic or as a component of any drug intended for humans.

However at least Pfizer and Moderna are using this substance in their vaccines. Therefore it is vital that anyone thinking of taking a shot, obtain a full ingredient list to have full informed consent and to postpone getting the Covid Jab, as each day brings further information into the public domain. Dr Ruby is asked if this was deliberate by the manufacturers and answers that this substance doesn’t occur naturally. It had to be added into the vaccine.

Many have spoken about the Polyethelene Glycol or PEG which enables the vaccines to get through water based cell membranes as this is lipophilic – attracted to fats – but there are other places in the body where ‘God and Nature’ hadn’t intended these substances to be, but by using this delivery system of supra nanoparticles, you are creating a super delivery system which forces these substances into areas where they are not meant to be.

Here’s more from ScienceDirect.com confirming it is an established transmission method:

Magnetofection is a very effective way of transfecting plasmid DNA into a variety of primary cells including primary neurons which are known to be notoriously difficult to transfect and very sensitive to toxicity.

Watch these for more:

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My friend Clif High actually confirmed this in a recent video and gave a much deeper dive on how it all works.

Clif is a genius and I always love listening to him explain things.

The man knows a lot…..about a lot.

Clif explained how the magnetism was intentionally added into the vaccine as a delivery mechanism.

It’s insidious and sounds horrible, but Clif explains how it works, why they did it, and why some people’s entire body has become magnetized a few weeks after getting the poison jab.

But the good news is he doesn’t leave you there.

Clif is then asked if there’s any way to fight back….any way to “heal” your body and cleanse the toxins.

The good news?

Clif says yes, and the “prescription” is actually quite simple!

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then he recommends C60.

Watch the video here from Rumble and Clif explains how the magnetism works and how you can fight back:

If you want to follow Clif’s advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

You want to get “Liposomal” Vitamin C, very important.

h/t: We Love Trump

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