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RINO Governor Kemp Appoints Judge Likely To Throw Out Election Fraud Cases?

RINOs never change.

An article from the National File exposes that RINO Georgia Governor Brian Kemp just appointed a judge to the Georgia court of appeals that is likely to throw out election fraud cases.

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From The National File:

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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has appointed a close ally of anti-Trump Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr to the Georgia Court of Appeals. Andrew Pinson, the new judge appointed by Kemp, is likely to hear any cases regarding potential election fraud, and due to his close relationship with Carr, is widely expected to throw them out.

Now, Kemp is receiving even more push back from the grassroots, who are “fighting to uncover the lengths the Democrats went to steal the election,” as he appears to posture against a 2022 political cycle where he will be challenged by the pro-Trump wing of the Georgia Republican Party.

Speaking to National File, Atlanta Tea Party icon Debbie Dooley slammed Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for betraying President Donald Trump and his supporters for his latest anti-Trump endorsements and appointments. “Georgia Governor Brian Kemp continues to betray Donald Trump and grassroots Trump supporters that are fighting to uncover the lengths the Democrats went to steal the election and make them be held accountable. Brian Kemp endorsed Chris Carr,” Dooley said. “Kemp just appointed Andrew Pinson, a close confidant of Trump betrayer Attorney General Chris Carr to the Georgia Court of Appeals. Pinson serves as Carr’s Solicitor General.”

Until a ruling comes down you never know what will happen.

Sadly, we have seen far to often that RINOs use the system to cover-up for their corruption.

h/t: The Palmieri Report

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