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Runaway Texas Democrat Mocked for Posting a Photo of Her Lingerie During DC Trip

This latest stunt by a Democrat should be labeled TMI: Too Much Information

Texas Democrat Donna Howard’s attempt at trying to gain sympathy for running away to D.C. fell flat on social media. Howard was mocked for the photo she posted on Twitter of her hand-washed clothes, including a bra and leopard-print panties. Oh my!

“You bet we’re recognizing & honoring our country’s heritage. As most Texans, tho, this is what we’re doing tonight—using whatever is accessible, uwashing (sic) our clothes in the sink.”

Did you see this? Michelle Obama Says Melania Trump Turned Down Her…

How tone-deaf is this Democrat? Does she really believe that by showing her undergarments that have been hand washed that she’ll gain any sympathy from Texans? Well, they aren’t buying it…

MUST READ! Now Michelle Obama Want Melania Trump Gone!

@bigjabird responded on Twitter: “Like most Texans, if I left my job when I was supposed to be there, I would get fired. But…..you feel you are ‘special’ and can go on vacation while Texans work and pay you. Get back to Texas and do the job we pay you to do.” 

Most of the comments back to Howard were negative because people see that this was just another sad attempt by a Democrat to gain attention and sympathy.

Howard is one of over 50 Democrats who flew via private jet to DC and is now staying in a $200 a night hotel. That can’t be all bad.

She apologized for the post saying “she’s human” and “makes mistakes”…

h/t: 100 Percent Fed Up

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