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Ted Cruz Says There Should Be Zero Covid Mandates – Announces Legislation That Will Ban Vaccine Passports – Vaccine Mandates – Mask Mandates [Video]

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is introducing legislation this week that aims to ban vaccine passports, vaccine mandates, as well as mask mandates, regardless of vaccination status.

Mr. Cruz is taking on the issue because a large percentage of Americans don’t trust the safety or efficacy of the “authorized for emergency use” only vaccines. There are thousands of examples of people permanently injured by the Covid shots, and thousands more that have died after getting them. The actual numbers have yet to be revealed as any information that makes it into public discourse is quickly shut down, censored, falsely “fact-checked”, and removed by the MSM and the tyrannical tech giants, regardless of the credentials of those that are putting out the facts.

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Ted Cruz is advocating on behalf of Americans who demand bodily autonomy and refuse to allow the government on any level to tell them what they must wear or poison their bodies with:

Constitutional rights cannot be suspended even during a pandemic. Democrats are either oblivious to that fact, hope the American people are or have simply chosen to ignore it knowing they’ll never be held accountable by the press or in a court of law. They appear to delight over the sharp divisions their feckless policies have intentionally created among the American people. Every day, it seems, a new communist-like decree comes out in defiance of the Constitution.

Yesterday we told you about Comrade DeBlasio’s new “Key To NYC pass”  where he claimed that those who are vaccinated “can do all of the amazing things that are available in the city… This is a miraculous place, literally full of wonders, If you’re vaccinated, all of that is going to open up to you. If you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things.”

TRENDING: the powerful “colon cleanser” that’s so gentle, you can use it every day until you’re “naturally regular” again.


Citizen Free Press has a 1-minute clip of the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs where science and medical experts testified strongly against the use of the dangerous Covid vaccines.

A male senator asks if there has ever been a vaccine put out for the public that skipped the animal tests, and the expert replies, “never before, especially for children.” The senator also remarks that he read that animal testing had been started but was stopped when the animals began to die, to which the expert says, “correct”. The clip ends with the senator saying:

“American people are now the guinea pigs, this IS the test program that’s going on. They didn’t do the human testing and they stopped the animal tests because the animals were dying and then they turned it out for the public. And we are now looking at businesses that want to mandate that this experimental vaccine be given to people as a condition of their employment, and yet we have this death count that continues to rise and be totally ignored.”

h/t: 100 Percent Fed Up

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