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This is How Democrats Are Already Stealing the 2022 Elections

While conservative states are trying to ensure election integrity, Democrats have already started stealing them.

State Republicans are trying to clean up the mess Senate RINOs have created.

It’s a race against time as states like Georgia pass election laws to ensure each vote is legitimate and counted.

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But the fight goes much deeper than election integrity. It’s about making sure the power remains in the hands of The People.

In 2020 turncoats like Mitch McConnell handed over the entire federal government to the Left by allowing election theft to go unpunished.

RINOs hated Trump so much they were willing to give Democrats total control to get rid of him.

It’s a hundred days into Biden’s term, and Democrats are getting ready to make sure Conservatives never get their hands on power ever again.

Thankfully, fighters like Ted Cruz are rallying the troops about “Stop the Steal: Federal Government Edition.”

Now we understand why Democrats have their panties in a bunch about getting rid of the filibuster. If you’ve been anywhere a blue-haired liberal has been, you know they’ve been howling about getting rid of the filibuster.

Liberals try to make it seem like ending the filibuster is all about taking care of people, ending racism, or curing cancer.

But this Tweet shows you precisely why ending the fillibuster is so important to Democrats.

If Liberals can get rid of the filibuster, they no longer have to abide by a 2/3 majority. If this were to happen, it would allow them to pass bills that rob the power of elections from states and put it into the federal government’s control.

Fox News breaks down the bill’s details that Chuck Schumer has already got in the works for the summer. If it passes, Democrats get to make the rules for the next election.

Do you think they’ll make it fair?

Republicans are launching a full-court press against the congressional Democrats’ wide-ranging election and campaign finance reform bill.

In a memo and video released on Monday, NRSC chair Sen. Rick Scott spotlighted a new poll commissioned by the committee to target the measure.

“The bill’s disguised as election reform, but it’s really just a dishonest Democrat power grab. You also have to know if you oppose the Democrat power grab, Democrats will call you a racist. The good news is this, the American people don’t buy that, and they’re on our side,” Scott argued.

Finally, even RINO’s realize that they have been playing ten steps behind and that Democrats are about to eat their lunch.

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Congressional Republicans have been railing against the legislation for weeks. And GOP leaders outside of Washington are also taking aim.

Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa warned that “state election law would be wiped away” if the Democrats’ bill becomes law. And Mike Pompeo, secretary of state during the Trump administration and a potential 2024 GOP presidential hopeful, charged in Iowa on Friday that the measure is a “raw power grab.”

Think about the audits in Arizona and Georgia. News keeps coming out about the many holes in security that took place to get the election to swing Joe Biden’s way.

If the federal election reform bill passes after they remove the filibuster, all those security breaches will become permanent.

If passed into law, the bill would also enhance federal support for voting system security, increase oversight of election system vendors, upgrade online political ad disclosure and require all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors, create a multiple matching system for small-dollar donations, which would be paid for by a new surcharge on “corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats,” tighten rules on super PACs, and beef up the enforcement powers of the Federal Election Commission.

Notice how the bill would give democrats oversight over the very things that screwed up our last election.

It’s becoming clear that Democrats are putting into motion something that establishment Republicans are way behind the curve on.

As usual, it’s going to be conservative voters who will have to bail these politicians out in 2022. Once that happens, we’re going to have to have a serious talk about who should be in charge of the Republican Party.

h/t: We Love Trump

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