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Trump Exposes RINO State Senators Blocking Michigan Audit

Trump released a statement exposing two Michigan state senators who are trying to stop an audit in Michigan.

The two state senators are Mike Shirkey and Ed McBroom.

He pointed out that the voter fraud investigation in Michigan was simply a cover-up.

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Ed McBroom has taken aim at prosecuting voter fraud whistleblowers rather than exposing voter fraud.

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From Big League Politics:

Furthermore, McBroom made it clear during an interview with Bridge Michigan that his report is meant to build the case for Nessel to prosecute prominent vote fraud whistleblowers. He said his report lays out “good reason” that vote fraud whistleblowers are “purposely defrauding people,” which he claims would be a criminal act. He refers to attorney Matt DePerno, a lawyer who has led a high-profile voter fraud case in Antrim County, in particular.

The Navarro report outlined that there are 379,000 “possible illegal votes” in Michigan:

From The Washington Examiner:

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro updated his report about alleged voting irregularities in the 2020 election to include data about Michigan.

The director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy posted a video on Vimeo on Monday explaining what he found in the Wolverine State using additional data and documents that he argues could flip the election from victory for President-elect Joe Biden to another term for President Trump.

“I’ve concluded that the number of possible illegal votes in the state of Michigan tops 379,000 ballots, more than twice the alleged victory margin of Joe Biden,” Navarro said. Biden won the state of Michigan and its 16 Electoral College votes by roughly 150,000 ballots.

h/t: The Palmieri Report

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