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Trump Rips Into RINOs–Calls Them Out For Supporting Dem Agenda

Trump continues to rip into RINOs.

During an interview with Breitbart, he unloaded on RINOs who are still helping to push Biden’s agenda.

From Breitbart:

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Former President Donald Trump ripped into establishment Republicans for getting “duped” into supporting the Democrat agenda during President Joe Biden’s administration, arguing that the “only reason” Republicans even exist is because of how bad the Democrats are on policy.

After viciously criticizing Biden’s agenda and mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal during a nearly two hour-long exclusive interview here at his golf club in northern New Jersey, Trump told Breitbart News that the Democrats “stick together” something he said Republicans do not do. Trump named names, too, of such establishment Republicans he is unhappy with — name-checking Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — with whom Trump has been feuding since late last year.

“And unlike the Republicans, they [the Democrats] stick together, although we have some great Republicans,” Trump said. “But we also have a group of Republicans, Romney, little Ben Sasse, you look at Louisiana that whole deal with him—so terrible. We have a group of Republicans, they don’t know what loyalty means. They don’t get it. Mitch McConnell is terrible. We have some that just can’t get there. And they never will. Look at the judges that they’re reporting. Look at the judges that they’re approving. And we have to get, unfortunately, Lindsey Graham is voting for all these horrible judges. But look at what’s happening, that’s impossible for the Democrats to do. McConnell can’t hold people in line. Are you seeing what’s going on with judges? Radical left judges are being approved because Lindsey’s voting for them. I don’t- I can’t even- I can’t. I can’t fathom it. I can’t fathom it. I’m a very loyal person. I cannot. And nobody that I understand that. Nobody can understand what’s going on with that. But they’re getting people appointed that are that are very sad. It’s a very sad situation.”

When asked about the 19 Republicans who voted for final passage of the Senate-passed $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill — the bill has some infrastructure in it, but as Breitbart News has reported, it is really filled with leftist policy priorities — Trump said those 19 Republican senators “should be ashamed of themselves.” He also said they got “duped” and McConnell “got out-played” by the Democrats as shortly after the Senate passed that bill, the Senate and then later the U.S. House of Representatives — both with slim Democrat majorities — adopted a budget resolution that will be used as a vehicle to eventually jam through a much broader leftist agenda branded again as “infrastructure.”

Although Biden’s failures in Afghanistan have been dominating the news we can’t forget RINOs are still working with this adminstration.

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h/t: The Palmieri Report

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