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Why I Support Mike Lindell and His Cyber Symposium Despite the Hiccups

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is a firebrand. His passion is a benefit to our nation in the eyes of his supporters and a detriment to those who hate him. As his three-day Cyber Symposium starts today, the hate coming from mainstream media as well as an unfortunate number of “conservative” news outlets is already flowing freely. They’re busy rolling their eyes and chuckling through their articles as they do their best to dismiss the bombshells promised regarding the stolen 2020 presidential election.

For complete transparency, MyPillow is our primary sponsor. Anytime people buy from them with promo code, “NOQ,” they save money and we get a commission. But here’s the thing, and I have the receipts to prove it. We supported Lindell and MyPillow long before we ever made them a sponsor and I would be supporting them today if they weren’t a sponsor. The commissions are good. The truth is much better.

His Cyber Symposium had a rocky start as hackers took down the livestream for around an hour. This is not shocking because his sites have a history of both being attacked and not being prepared to handle them properly. I’m no tech guy, but I would have hoped they’d be ready for whatever came their way.

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It was a hiccup. They’ve overcome it and will hopefully be able to stave off other attacks for the duration of the event. The Cyber Symposium is on right now with speakers explaining the events before, during, and after the 2020 election. We’ll be covering the bombshells as quickly as they’re dropped.

As the saying goes, if you’re taking flak you’re over the target. Lindell has been taking some of the most intense flak imaginable in the months that he’s dedicated to exposing the stolen nature of the election. It’s not just the hacking. It’s the lawsuits from groups like Dominion Voting Systems, which filed fresh lawsuits today. It’s the massive number of cancellations by retail stores that no longer carry his products. It’s hateful media from both sides of the political aisle that are desperate to keep people from taking him seriously.

Mike Lindell takes more abuse from media and corporate America than anyone other than Donald Trump. It’s been a hard, expensive road for both him and his company, but he pushes forward. And therein lies one of the most important reasons I support his efforts even if I don’t agree with some of the ways he presents his ideas. There’s a kinship amongst those of us who speak the truth despite the consequences. We have been canceled, banned, harassed, blacklisted, and have had attempts made to destroy us as an outlet. My experience may be a very tiny microcosm of what Lindell is going through, but I can understand what it feels like to wake up every morning wondering what new attacks would be landing today.

This Cyber Symposium is intended to deliver enough evidence to force a reversal of the 2020 election results, correcting them in a way that will bring back the rightful President of the United States. I don’t know if it will work, and like many I have my doubts. It’s not that I doubt the evidence. From what I’ve seen, it’s rock solid. My doubts surface when I see the mountains of evidence we already saw in the wake of the election, evidence that was suppressed, ignored, falsely fact-checked, and denied by most, including the judiciary.

But I’m still going to watch. I’m still going to share what they reveal. We must keep fighting because accepting the results of the stolen election as irreversible is to accept that our nation and the Constitution upon which it was stabilized are both lost. As difficult as it seems to be able to correct the election, it’s even more difficult to imagine making it as a nation if the stolen election is allowed to stand without recourse or repercussions.

It’s becoming harder and harder for patriots to ignore the deep suppression of truth that’s happening in America today.

In all of my years in journalism, I have never received as many threats or been attacked by big companies like Google and Facebook as I have in 2021. I’d say that ever since we started covering widespread voter fraud, government-endorsed Pandemic Panic Theater, vaccine cover-ups, Critical Race Theory, and the various Neo-Marxist and Satanic agendas at play, I’ve been targeted more in months than the entirety of my life prior.

Speaking the truth is getting harder with so much censorship and suppression rampant. Prior to 2020, I was not a “conspiracy theorist” or an “anti-vaxxer,” but if there’s one thing the onslaught of exposed lies have taught us in the last 18 months, it’s that we cannot take what we’re told by the “arbiters of truth” at face value. There’s an agenda behind every message, a narrative driving every story, and a series of gigantic cover-ups designed to keep the masses in the dark.

TRENDING: the powerful “colon cleanser” that’s so gentle, you can use it every day until you’re “naturally regular” again.

This is why we’re building a network of news outlets that are willing to go against the narrative and expose the truth. We need help. We’re establishing strong partnerships with like-minded news outlets and courageous journalists. Even as Big Tech suppresses us, the honest messages they’re trying to quash are finding their way to the eyes and ears of patriots across the nation. With the help of new content partners like The Epoch Times and The Liberty Daily, we’re starting to see a real impact.

Some of our content is spread across all of these sites. Other pieces of content are unique. We write most of what we post but we also draw from those willing to allow us to share their quality articles, videos, and podcasts. We collect the best content from fellow conservative sites that give us permission to republish them. We’re not ego-driven; I’d much rather post a properly attributed story written by experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola or Natural News than rewrite it like so many outlets like to do. We’re not here to take credit. We’re here to spread the truth.

I’ve said much of this before. From time to time I reframe this request for assistance by taking the most relevant message of the day and adjusting the story accordingly. We’ve discussed this network in previous articles. Now, it’s time to talk about help. First and foremost, we need financial assistance detailed below. But we could also use more writers who are willing to volunteer their thoughts for the sake of spreading the message. Those who are interested should contact me directly.

h/t: NOQ Report

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