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“YOU’RE NEXT” – LeBron James Threatens Hero Columbus Police Officer Because He Stopped a Teen From Stabbing Another Girl

LeBron James

Billionaire athlete LeBron James on Wednesday threatened the Columbus police officer who shot 15-year-old knife-wielding Ma’Kiyah Bryant.

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LeBron James posted a photo of the police officer and said, “YOU’RE NEXT” with an hourglass sand clock emoji.

This is extremely dangerous and puts the officer’s life in jeopardy as LeBron has nearly 50 million Twitter followers.

Lebron James then deleted his tweet. Here’s a screenshot:

Later Wednesday evening, LeBron James explained why he deleted his threatening tweet.

Columbus, Ohio – As reported earlier, officers were called to the 3100 block of Legion Lane just after 4:30 PM Tuesday for a stabbing and a shots fired call at 4:45 PM.

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The police shot Ma’kiyah Bryant, a 15-year-old girl who was attempting to stab another person.

The police bodycam footage showed Makiyah Bryant attempting to stab someone as the officer acted swiftly and opened fire, fatally striking her.

Screenshot of Ma’Kiyah Bryant brandishing a knife moments before police officer shot her dead

The police officer saved the life of another young woman who was about to be stabbed.

The left doesn’t care.

The left is openly defending the knife-wielding teen and lashing out at the officer for shooting her dead.

h/t: Gateway Pundit

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