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Discover the Hidden Secret of Being Nude

I quite recently discovered the power of embracing yourself fully. I am living in a strict religious society, I have been raised by a Muslim family and like it or not, I am influenced by their lifestyle. In my self-discovery sessions which we now refer to as willywonka time, I used to have some very intimate moments with myself, but never in my long and very dull history, have I ever experienced being naked in the open. It might seem just a minor thing for you, walking naked in your home, or just wearing nothing while you eat, but this idea is extremely foreign to me.


me naked

When I was little, my dad used to tell me that you’re not allowed to show your full body or go naked or even go pant less outside or even in the house unless it’s the washroom. Considering my family background that warning made sense but unfortunately it applies to everyone. You can’t wear shorts in the open, seriously if you do, chances are someone will come up to you and start preaching you or everyone will just point you out in awkward ways. It’s enough to send even most manly of souls packing. I don’t recall ever putting shorts in public, sure I did wear them in my bed chambers and I have been naked in my bed and watched my body but it has always been a private thing, something that I can only do when I am sure no one is around.

This week I had this stupid extended sleep cycle where it’s impossible for me to get out of the bed without some divine help, being me I would lay on my bed and think about different things but I had some urgent matters to attend to and getting out of  my bed was vital. I started stripping, took the shirt off first and boy it was fucking cold, then my shalwar (pants) followed suite and in seconds I was naked and then I just got up. The feeling of the skin getting chilled by the damp weather was surreal, I felt instantly awake. I mean I have tried throwing water at myself to get up but this simple stripping technique was much more effective although it was require a lot more will power.

I started walking at first it was really hard (not referring to my willynilly) but after some jumping up and down, it felt natural, keep in mind I was venturing outside of my room while being naked. I went to the kitchen and prepared my first ever naked meal. For me this was a milestone, it honestly felt like something new, my mind was racing through different thoughts and my body was just reacting to the sudden change. Unlike animals we don’t have fur so, it’s really hard to stay warm and it’s not really a good idea to expose your body to the extremes for extended period of time. So, please don’t start running off in a freezing cold naked. But if you do, make sure to get someone to film you.

When I finished my cooking, I went to the mirror and admired myself, I touched my butts, felt the curvature and the texture they have, I admired my strong and mighty leg muscles, and I bend down and visually explored myself. All this was purely clinical and it wasn’t erotic in any way because if it was, then I would be busy controlling some hard problems. With the admiring part done, I got dressed and ate my breakfast, that whole day, I was super productive, I didn’t feel as cold I usually do and I felt I discovered something new.

Rather Go naked

All the story is quite boring to read but the end message is still strong. Regardless of your body shape, being naked and observing yourself gives you an idea how you look, it’s an important exercise that everyone should at least try from time to time, not only it firmly grounds you to the reality of your existence, it also serves a reminder of how much you can improve yourself not only that, it’s a great source of motivation and it’s extremely helpful when you’re super pissed or had a major fight.

This simple yet effective technique works on everyone provided they’re mature enough to understand the true nature of it. You don’t have to go out naked and show everyone what you have, no that’s not the point here, although a simple Skype session with me while you’re doing that might entertain me for a while but like I said that’s not the point here.  It’s just a way to help you wash away your insecurities, you don’t have to walk naked and do some weird stance. What you have to do is just try to act normal. I can’t walk out naked and ride a bicycle because that would ruin the essence of the exercise but I can strip down and dance or sing or just eat or do something I routinely do.

I am sure you have heard about various personal fitness gurus and whatnot but trust me, the real cure to all your problems lies in your mind. Being naked is the first step in a very hard and unforgiving journey to self-discovery and peace. I am sure when you started reading this article you were waiting for the corny jokes but I assure you this is serious stuff. In a time when everyone is getting hooked to drugs and media, it’s vital to know your real self.

A great man that I know once told me, when you lose your layers you lose your fear and insecurities, and step out of your shell and become a real man.

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