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VIDEO: TRUMP Gets Rock Star Treatment On Way To Texas Border

President Trump traveled to Texas where he met with Governor Abbott (R), who’s committed to finishing construction on the border wall. He attended a border security meeting and then spoke with a group at the border standing in front of the wall (see video below).

He was welcomed by Texans with open arms:

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During his visit to the border, President Trump blasted Kamala Harris for her public relations stunt last week when the absent border czar did a drive-by on the southern border on her way to California.

“I mean the real question is do they really want open borders or are they incompetent?” Trump said during a presser on Wednesday. “Because you’re either incompetent or for some reason you have a screw loose and you want to have open borders.”

The Democrat administration’s lack of action on the border crisis, Trump continued, is “dangerous” and cannot be undone easily.

“We have an open really dangerous border. More dangers than it has ever been in the history of our country,” Trump said, noting that fentanyl “was almost a nonfactor” during his administration.

The photo below shows a crowd with Trump signs along the road ready to show their support for President Trump:

Crowds lined up to welcome President Trump as he traveled at the border:

Jim Acosta followed President Trump to the border today where he decided to ask a ridiculous question. He asked if Trump was going to apologize for January 6th. This was clearly a question to incite everyone and it did. The crowd handled Acosta as he should be handled. They booed loudly at the rude CNN reporter. President Trump completely ignored Acosta.

First Rep. Mo Brooks rejected Acosta (see below) and now Trump. Jim Acosta isn’t getting anywhere with these Republicans. This is how you do it!

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President Trump’s full remarks after his tour of the border:

President Trump slammed Biden and Harris at a border security meeting earlier today.

He called them out for the huge surge of illegals at the southern border (see below) and sounded off on Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

President Trump speaks at the 21:30 point:

“Don’t kid yourself. They’re coming in from the Middle East.”

Governor Abbott can fix the open border situation by calling up all 15k National Guard troops to the border:

Tucker Carlson recently focused on the breakdown at the southern border with commentary that called out the only one who can gain control of our border. He said that only Texas Governor Greg Abbott (see contact info below) could order 15k National Guard troops to the southern border to stop the flow of illegals. Right now, Governor Abbot only has 500 National Guard troops at the border.

Carlson reports that a bus driver spoke up to say that the feds are dropping illegals at different cities all over the U.S.  Now, the Biden administration is flying the illegals to different cities because it’s harder to video them if they’re flying.

“Ask yourself, by the way, if you change the population of a country without the consent of the people who live there, is that democracy? Doesn’t that country belong to the people who live there? It’s their country; that’s what democracy is. But what if a small number of hardened ideologues decided to take it away from those people and give it to foreign nationals? That would not be democracy.”

“How is this NOT an invasion?”

Dramatic increases in floods of illegals IS an invasion!

Carlson questions why Abbott isn’t doing anything to bring down the National Guard. Great question!


(512) 463-1782 – Information and Referral and Opinion Hotline
(for Austin, Texas and out-of-state callers)

(512) 463-2000 – Office of the Governor Main Switchboard
(office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST)

Mailing Address

Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428


Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks has refused to go on CNN, so CNN reporter Jim Acosta decided to ambush Rep. Brooks to confront him about refusing to appear on the fake news network. What Rep. Brooks does in response to Acosta’s question is exactly how every Republican should respond. It’s a mic drop moment!

“CNN is neither truthful nor honest.”


“You guys will lie any chance you get.”

Acosta was referring to the fiery speech the Alabama Congressman gave on January 6th. Rep. Brooks commented after the speech in response to claims he incited violence on January 6th:

“The radical left’s absurd claim that I called for violence is pure bunk. I called for exercise of freedom of protest at the Capitol and for fighting for our cause at the ballot box in the 2022 and 2024.”

This is how you do it!

h/t: 100 Percent Fed Up

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