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The first memories I had of &T were of a user posting a shitload of stuff about his day and life, and someone snapping back with “ToTSE isn’t your personal blog you fucktard”.

Well lookie here.

It’s September the 5th, 2011 and my first &T blog post. I do have other blogs on the Internet but none will be linked here. I’m RemadE to you and that’s that.
So where to start? Well I’m currently chilling in my room after lugging some heavy-ass bags from one side of Town to the other, now listening to some Macka B and nomming on a chocolate croissant. I really need to get some University work done as my Dissertation is playing on my mind, so I may have some mushrooms tonight and enter the reals of inspiration. Failing that, off to London this week to go to the British Library.

As for &ToTSE, I am damn proud of this place. We came from a shattered community of New Years Eve 2009 that had existed in relative harmony since 1989 (I joined in ’05 but there you go). Look how far we have come. Sure, all good things take time but without coming across as sucking his dick, I know Dfg has put a ton of effort into this site. When I am on Teamspeak, it’s usually some un-Allahly hour in Pakistan and he is still looking at how to improve the site.
I just want to take this moment to thank everyone for making this community what it is as we pass the one year mark. Sure, we have had some e-drama and whatnot, but all communities do. In a perfect world we would all get on, but nowhere, and nobody, is perfect.
So I thank you all for that. To the guests browsing here, sign up and join in! We always need new members to bring ideas, guides and discussion to the table. You won’t regret it.

Today will see me running errands and recovering from my Airsoft match yesterday. My hips and balls kill after being shot in both and straining all sorts of muscles I didn’t know existed. Let’s just say that skidding on my arse through a puddle from a leaky ceiling in a shopping mall while being shot at was a fine moment. Mad props to the Czech guy who managed to pretty much make me infertile.

So there you have it.
I’ll check in later when I have something more constructive to post. In the mean time, keep jammin’.


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