AD2011 · Acolyte


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  • All the machines in the computer lab or my old institution were identical, and they were pretty high tiered machines that got upgraded pretty regularly. I remember one of my last visits they were Dual Core machines with 2G RAM and from memory each user was given 80Gig standard storage space. The whole facility had 100+…
  • Hmm maybe you can import browsing history from iOS devices to it or something? Dunno, Safari on Windows makes no sense to me. I tried it just to see what it was like and yeah it lasted about 5 minutes on my machine.
  • I have a dual core Pentium laptop, AMD 3200+ Tower and a 1.6Ghz netbook which I use, and my mobile "smart" phone. Until a few weeks ago I had stacks of keyboards, mice, IDE Cables, about 10 floppy disk drives, 100+ Floppy Disks (including M$ Office on 31 of them) 10 or more CD ROM drives, about a dozen PC towers, half a…
  • America only ever invented the cheeseburger, and then the double cheeseburger...and mobility scooters since walking is such a chore. Also how stupid to poke fun at drinking camel milk...yeah because cow and goat milk is so much different right? Some people drink pregnant womens urine...but you wouldn't know what benefits…
  • No. If I had a girlfriend I'd let her use it if she didn't have her own.
  • Also I hope they kill this stupid American at a public event and televise it/broadcast it live on the interwebz...that always riles up America dumbasses.
  • Lulz listen to who? She's American right? Too easy... America got rid of the Taliban so we could all enjoy a market flooded with Heroin again? Killed Saddam so it looked like you've done something? Way to be...ain't...done...SHIT. ^^The U.S. should at least try to better their stats, I…
  • America haven't even been able to do ANYTHING in Afghanistan AND Iraq in what almost 10 years now...and you think they should start yet another campaign they can't finish sending people at home into even more debt? I'm all for it, I'd love to hear about America getting beaten down in yet another Country. Read The Art of…
  • Notice TheDarkRodent stopped responding after that epic burn knowing...citing a reference material on the subject of describing words and terms i.e. THE FUCKING DICTIONARY?!? What a dumbfuck. What caused TheDarkRodent to turn on -SpectraL anyhow?
  • 1. I can't stop idiots driving around in American piece of shit automobiles, I can however cease advertisement shit from clogging my mailbox and contributing to filling my recycling bin. 2. Think how many monkeys drive around to distribute...the trees for pulp, moving the paper from the factory to the printer, from the…
    in Junk Mail Comment by AD2011 January 2011
  • Technically it isn't an admission of guilt...but it's obvious, why would they pay up so readily? If they were innocent they'd want to prove it, which they obviously couldn't have done, not even with all their lawyers.
  • The pigs obviously didn't do anything by the sounds of your descriptions.
  • lol American health, let them eat, smoke, drink, snort and inject themselves to the graveyards after they have taken out a quadruple mortgage on their house and 'stimulated' the economy by buying a new American car.
  • lulz FOX News. Also Britain is pulling out of Afghanistan in 3 years time, hopefully they'll use these cloaks to invade the U.S and smack them around for that 'independence' disrespect.
  • I meant it's going to become more mainstream because of the rise of tablet PC's and hipster scum.
  • When I was at school people used to feed the computers by putting folded up bits of paper in the CD tray and inserting it. Also with the computers there and your laptop...why not just fully charge the battery (considering it holds charge). You can buy laptop bags that have solar panels on them 1337 H@X0Rz, do the PC's have…
  • I don't want to join them I want to potentially be a customer of their services.
  • I'd like to put money into shares for a big bank here but I knew that at the end of the day it's just a horse race that lasts longer. Maybe one day.
  • In 2008 I bought a house in partnership with my brother. We have an agent that collects the money and makes sure the occupier is happy. They do everything including screening suitable applicants, all the legal paperwork, and conduct regular inspections. If any work needs to be done, they have a directory of workman that…
  • In lacking skills required for the job exploit your strengths...perhaps you are a local to the area, know the place well and are going to stick around for the long haul. They know they have power over you, so exploit their power to exploit need the money so theirs no way you'll fuck up a good thing.
  • If they ask have you worked in this area before and you haven't...don't lie, they will know already or eventually. Be honest and say no, but add "but I'm willing/eager to learn and that you learn quickly" I've gotten every job I've ever gone for 4 jobs in like 7 years, never been fired. Say you're a problem solver, team…
  • I've been interested in it for many years. As I've grown my views have matured but my general stance has not varied from its origin. I bought the "An American Tragedy" from the rotten dot com store. It has footage from television shows at the time and local news coverage. The small town, non-glitz and glamor stories are…
  • I added a bunch of people to my MSN back in 2005/2006 from totse like 100 at least, I still have good relationships with hmmm maybe 10? I wouldn't add any on Facebook where anything they say can be seen by everyone else I know.
  • Imagine 6.6bil people with their own little plot and living free range. Also they'll always be diesel engines. Some half decent points there, but I bet Jamie Oliver hasn't thought about it that deeply.
  • This. Typical that this happened in America too - one of the few Countries where a "zomg Government cover up!" sounds half plausible. If it ever happened in Australia we would be like "he cunts check this shit out". It happened supposedly when? Like 50 years ago? And yet America hasn't hidden this all this time to exploit…
  • The federal minimum wage here in Australia is $15 per hour costs I think $3.20? for a 425ml glass of keg beer at my local.
  • Can you find/post Australian services please? What happens if they reply? Just goes to email? The problem with this is that as people learn that they can get a expensive text message delivered for free that telco's will lose out on this scam and bump up the prices of everything else to recover their losses.
  • Tastes like Iron, there's a reason it drys that rust colour. Whenever I get a cut on my hand/finger/arm I slurp the blood to clean up the mess and stem the flow. If I cut myself shaving I lick my finger and do this like protective mothers do to their children's smudgy faces but I clean my finger after of the blood.
  • .au .info appears as number 6, after the likes of wikipedia, Encyclopedia Dramatica, totse2 and even zoklet. totse "Drugs" (at .info) even appears before the main site.
  • So this is an obituary for a guy that once went parachuting?
  • Americans: You are seen as having a wide gap between rich and poor. Images of deserted neighborhoods are used in newspapers, television and websites...why not convert these areas into edible gardening spaces and have the unemployed work at them? ^^Why don't you appear to come up with ideas like that for yourselves? You…
  • I never wanted to go but my father somehow felt I owed it to him. I got a respectable job that paid for me to do a degree whilst working for degree, steady salary which has since been raised after I graduated...pretty cool gig. Whole experience was to be expected from someone not interested in ever going.
  • I think it has put children more at risk as someone distributing child porn to mental cases will always be looking for new content...why not get the mental cases with access to children get them that new content? This news doesn't surprise me much, I could already imagine what junkie parents do.
  • I wish nations involved would see that there's no shame/embarrassment involved in any of the cables unless you care what eghh America thinks, and they decided to pull the unruly teenager of a nation into line. There were consequences for cutting off his finances, think of the progression of these should any other…
  • This is what mobile phones are for. When they pulled that "we'll be there somewhere in this large time slot" shit with me I said this is my mobile number, get the guy to call me as he is approaching my area and heading to my place. On another note disconnecting from the service was so painful, they absolutely DO NOT want…
  • I think XBOX360 wired controllers are USB so can go directly go into a PC, there's a wireless receiver available too. I plan on getting one of these, pimping my laptop or tower out with Emus + Roms and being a lazy bum playing through them when I'm on Annual Leave from work. I already got a wireless Keyboard and Mouse to…
  • Threaten to tell his boss that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Blackmail baby!
  • Not voting but I have a XBOX360 and a Wii. I never really got into PC gaming, I prefer to lounge on the couch or lay down on the floor when playing a game. I also like controllers, which are the standard with consoles. Do PC's have 'fun' games like DDR or shooting games using a light gun rather than...a mouse? Although…
  • Well the producer of whatever medium it is that is falsely advertising answers.
  • Didn't textbook makers used to pay for identifying to them inaccuracies like you are talking about?
  • I think renewable energy, I mean it's an economists nightmare right? Set up, up and running, pays for itself. Maybe cars as we know them, it was a bubble that burst in the U.S that was re-inflated artificially (even in terms of economics...where everything is artificial) Just as likely is the entire retail bubble, a lot of…
  • I have a bar at home and mix drinks for chicks I bring home? I'd only work at a bar at a upmarket place or in a place like the UK where I was visiting and needed a quick job that I could take advantage of an Aussie accent with.
  • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control gave a directive to cease their use Source:
  • 2012 is it, I thought the bitch was planning on doing something THIS year, wasn't that what she was bullshitting about as parliament closed for 2010? Anyhow the coal powered power stations in China will be cleaner/more efficient than where they source their power from currently/previously...which was like burning anything…
  • Free 'fit packs' are available in my State (Australia). Each kit has 5 needles, a vial of sterile water, alcohol swabs, plastic spoon and the case it comes in has a side compartment to dispose the used needles in. They don't want dirty needles lying around the place and they want stupid injectors to stop sharing used…
  • The video is no longer available. I'm guessing it was talking about the vast expanses of the universe. There are people I find significant, that's all that matters to me.
  • I am within walking distance of my work, I also got given a mountain bike for Christmas. I have to travel large distances for work though. If I was in a city I could get away with it. When I visit cities I always use public transport over the use of hire cars or taxis. Generally gets me where I'm going faster even with all…
  • ‎"One of the most serious consequences of our actions is global warming brought about by rising levels of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. The danger is that the temperature increase might become self-sustaining if it has not done so already". -Stephen Hawking ^^Unless you can prove someone has hacked his…
  • I think it's pretty clear that CFC's were responsible considering that the hole was discovered during their use and then it recovered once we banned their use. Also who would even know their use was stopped? We still have aerosols and things worked as they used to, we just aren't fucking the atmosphere with them…
  • One thing nobody has mentioned is the fact that the water you flush down the toilet and use on the garden is, unless serviced with a special supply, drinking water quality water. It's stupid to use water for these uses, think of the chemicals used to render that water safe for this purpose and the energy used at the…